Betrayed & Used; Linc's Childhood Part 3/4

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The dark sky was decorated with the faint appearance of stars. Nikai laid back on her favorite branch, her figure now engraved in it's wood. The stars were usually more bright, but she understood their sudden dimness. She sat up, and grew her wings out. Slick and wet with blood, she aired them out by spreading them until they were dry. She then jumped into the air and made quick forceful thrust with her wings that kept her high enough in the air. It was enough for her to see the Town Tyopia's Festival lights.

For four years, the small humble town managed to attract big fish. Fish meant money. Money introduced trade. And being so close to the shore offered trade from wealthy merchants that came from places as far as overseas. New people were constantly being introduced into town everyday, Melany said one time when she came over to hang out with Nikai. Nikai remembered that day, one eye closed.

"Why are you here again?" Nikai groaned when Melany's vibrant voice woke her during her afternoon nap. Melany peered at Nikai from below.

"How do you even get up there?"

"Go away." Nikai grumbled, and Melany laughed.

"We've been friends for close to four years now, and I imagined you'd be more happy to see me. But that's okay, you've always been stubborn in admitting  you like me." Melany heard a soft snort from above and she smiled. "I came to discuss my birthday."

Nikai's eyes shot open and she slipped off of her branch in suprise. Melany made a shocked squeal but was quickly relieved when she saw Nikai land perfectly fine. Standing up straight out her two feet, Nikai ran her hand through her white hair and watched Melany. "Well? When is it?"

"The second night of our town festival." Melany beamed. "Would you do me the honor of coming?"

"No." Nikai stated immediately. Melany began to whine.

"Nikai, please! I'm finally turning fifteen! I'm almost of age when I can marry! I'm going to need help in closing a suitor!" Nikai rolled her eyes and Melany fixed her posture in fake annoyance. "What, you think just because you're sixteen that you have no worries? You don't have a suitor yourself! But then again, you could have any man you choose, especially with those assets. I could help you out with that you know."

"Cut it out." Nikai said embarrassed, holding her chest and stepping away. "You won't sway me with flattery."

"Oh?" Melany smirked amused. She drew close to Nikai's face and Nikai blushed. Melany squealed in glee and hugged her tightly. "You're so cute Nikai! I think I'm falling for you too!"

"Ah huh. Yeah, okay. Space please." Nikai put her hand on Melany's face and pushed her away. Melany stumbled back, an amused smile still on her face.

"Anyways, please try. And if you are coming, can you try getting ride of those?" Melany pointed to Nikai's proud horns and tail. Suddenly, Nikai's tail that had been swaying side to side froze in midair and slowly sunk. "Hey Nikai, I've got to get going. Please, it'd mean the world to me if you came. Can you at least promise to try to visit me?"

"You're asking me for the impossible." Nikai growled, her back turned. Melany opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when Nikai scaled the tree, climbing upwards with ease just like a squirrel would. "Don't bother me with this topic. I don't want to see you anymore."

Melany remained silent and Nikai kept her face buried in the wood of her favorite branch. The other limbs of the tree were always litered by the books Melany brought her to teach her how to read, but she paid them no mind. Her tail brushed a novel down and it thumped on the grassy floor besides Melany.

"Hamlet." Melany murmured. Nikai heard her slip the novel into her skirt and she began to walk away. "I'll be seeing you Nikai." And with that, Melany was gone.

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