Skyler Jennings

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Life isn't always what it seems. It's filled with all those magical fairytale creatures. And I am one of those creatures.

I'm Skyler Jennings, I'm sixteen and what looks like to be your typical teenaged girl. I'm not. I'm a werewolf and also the alpha of my pack. I'm in charge and my pack members follow my orders. It probably sounds crazy that a girl is leader of the pack but I am. My brothers Gabriel, Hunter and Camden all thought it would only be fair if I took the top spot as alpha once our father passed. He died in a battle, when we fought against raged vampires. My mom isn't a werewolf anymore. She lost the gene when she hit fifty. Our dad was only forty-eight when he died. We'll never forget all the times he protected us. He was our rock and we could go to him for anything.

The other members of the pack are relatives; Axel and Sadie. They are twins and they are my dad's nephew and niece. London, Stella and Jayce are my mom's niece's and nephew. Their parents have either lost their gene or are apart of a different pack. So there's nine of us in my pack.

"Skyler?" My teacher, Mr. Crabs called my name for about the fourth time now, I was just too busy thinking to answer. But I felt myself blush as I responded, "Yes?"

"What is the answer to number five?" He looked at me with serious eyes like he was worried or something. Everyone in the class shifted in their chairs to face me.

I scrambled through my papers before answering. What's the topic again? Oh yea, ratios and proportions.

"Ah yes, the answer is one half." I finally came across an answer that sounded correct.

"Yes, very good." He turned back to the board to continue the lesson. Everyone was still staring at me.

"Um, can I help y'all?" I said, blushing again.

They all stayed silent and faced forward to listen to the boring lesson. Wow, didn't know that zoning out could make me the center of attention. I sighed and looked over at the clock. Just five more minutes of the day left and then I can finally be reunited with my pack.

The bell sounded and I was the first one out the door. I could barely feel my feet hit the ground as I scurried to my locker to get my bag.

"What's the hurry?" Camden, my seventeen year old brother asked, leaning against my locker.

"It's Friday and I have to get the hell out of here." I said, in a rushed tone, throwing my books into my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

"Whoa, chill. You running or going home with Gabe and I?" He asked, waving Gabe over. Gabe's a senior, Cam's a junior and I'm a sophomore. Hunter is our older brother who is in college.

"Running." I lifted up my shirt just to show my waist which was coated in fur.

"Whoa! Why is that there?" Gabe started sweating and rubbing his forehead, looking around at the other students hoping they don't notice.

I put my shirt back down.

"I don't know, I'm calling a pack meeting when I get home though, so speed." I hit them on the back playfully and made my way to the doors.

That's why I was the center of attention, my shirt was slightly lifted up and they could see it. They probably think I have some weird disease. I ran to the trees that led to my house. I came out of the woods in my wolf form. I howled for a meeting and I could suddenly hear all of my pack mate's thoughts.

Stella- What's going on? Who called for a meeting?

London- I hope everyone is okay.

Jayce- I was in the middle of getting a girl's number, this better be important.

Stella, London and Jayce all arrived at the same time, must be something to do with being siblings. Sadie arrived ten seconds later, but no Axel. My brothers also arrived a little after Sadie. We communicated through our thoughts:

Me- Where's Axel??

Sadie- Sorry Sky, he couldn't make it. He's in Canada.

Me- You must fill him in later then. That's an order.

She nodded her head in agreement. We all phased back into our human forms so we could have an easier conversations. We stay huddled in a circle though, so the conversation would stick to just between us. Sometimes we get a random straggler just roaming the neighborhood and we don't want them listening.

"And Jayce, this is important." I lifted up my shirt so all could see. They all gasped and begged me to put my shirt back down so no one can see.

"So, you're not going fully back to human?" London gasped.

"Yes and I have no clue why. I called this meeting to inform you all. I need you all to help me research this, preferably not at school but wherever you are, please just get me some help on this. I have to be very careful with what I wear to school now and let alone the public." I choked up. What if the fur patch grows? Will I never be a human?

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