Back on Track

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"I'm going to school this week." I threw the mail onto the countertop as mom was making dinner.

"Are you sure, I mean you are more werewolf than human.. won't you start to act more dog  than human?" Mom was very worried with my new transition.

"I'm fine right now, am I not?" I stood up and waved my hands down my body giving her an overview of my body.

"Your legs." She pointed.

"It's called pants, mom." I said, aggravated.

"It's going to get warm soon." She always had another thing to point out, like she didn't believe in me or something.

"Mom, this is rainy Olympia you're talking about. I will be fine in a pair of jeans. I just want to finish sophomore year." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"That's understandable. I'll call the school tomorrow morning." She put down the dish rag and a small smile grew across her face.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I ran up and hugged her.

"You better hit the store and get some school supplies, have one of your brothers take you." She said.

"When will dinner be done?" I asked, pointing to the pot on the stove.

"Not for awhile. Go to the store and when you come back, we'll eat." She handed me her keys and I squealed in delight.

Now which brother can I aggravate the shit out of tonight? Oh Hunter.... I barged into his room without knocking which I probably should of done considering he was talking dirty to Gina on the phone.

"Damn Skyler, I have a door for a reason." He threw a pillow at me but I caught it instead and laughed. I tossed it back and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Sky, what's up? He'll be on the phone all night." Gabe said, putting down the comic he was just reading. I sighed.

"I guess you're coming with me big bro." I stood up and took his hand and we went out the door.

"Where we going?" He asked.

I took his coat out of the closet and smashed it against him.

"You're taking me school shopping." I grinned.

"What? You're going to school, since when?" He asked, as we headed out into the pouring rain.

"Mom is calling the school tomorrow, so I can start this week. I don't know about you guys, but I don't feel like repeating tenth grade." I got into the driver's seat and Gabe got in the passenger. I still only have my permit, heck I just got it last month.

"Honestly Skyler, I was thinking about doing school on the reservation. Wouldn't that be easier?" He asked, as I pulled out of the driveway, nearly hitting the mailbox.

"Whoa, maybe I should drive." He held onto the dashboard.

"Oh please, I'm not that bad." I rolled my eyes and drove down the lonely road.

"Where are we going?" He asked, relaxing into his seat.

"Walmart." I put my blinker on and waited until I was given a green arrow.

"Got cash I hope?" He asked.

"Duh," I flung my wallet at him with my right hand as I made the left hand turn.

"Watch it, you nearly creamed that car next to you on your left." He waved his hands everywhere. So dramatic.

"Did you die?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Well, no." He sat back into the seat again and kept quiet the rest of the ride. It was a pretty lengthy ride to Walmart when you live in the middle of nowhere.

"Why didn't we just run here?" Gabe asked, as we unbuckled our seatbelts in the parking lot.

"Where do you see woods?" I asked, opening my door, waving my hand by the empty land behind the building.

"Oh, right." He blushed. He can be so stupid sometimes.

I grabbed a cart from the cart corral and we entered the building. I immediately went towards the office supplies. I will definitely need something to write with and a folder. I grabbed a pack of mechanical pencil that were priced at $1.99 off the rack and tossed it into my cart. I bent down just below the pencils and rummaged through the folders when I spotted a durable red one, I grabbed that one and put it in the cart. That's all I will really need for now until my teachers tell me what I need. I decided to abandon the cart and just carry my items. I walked through almost every aisle looking for Gabe and then I finally found him in the electronics section, testing out some new video game.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you." I snatched his arm and we headed to the register.

"That's all you're getting?" He asked, taking my folder out of my hand causing me to drop the pencils.

"Damn you Gabe." I bent down to pick up the pencils and that's when I heard a tear in my jeans.

"Oh my gosh, Gabe go behind me and please tell me that you can't see fur!" I whispered yelled, still in a crouching position.

"Ahhh yeaaa, there's fur." He said.

"Here, I'll go get you a sweater that you can tie around your waist, problem solved. Just lean against this shelf and I'll be right back." He positioned me against the shelf to make it look like I was just waiting for someone.

He came back minutes later, running down the aisle with a sweatshirt that said 'Cool story bro tell it to me again backwards' on the front.

"Really?" I pointed to the lettering on the shirt.

"It's all I could fine in a short amount of time." He said, tossing it to me.

I shook my head and muttered whatever as I tied it against my waist. We finally made it to the register and when the lady finished scanning the folder and pencils, her eyes narrowed down to the sweater around my waist.

"I got my period." I choked out.

She sighed and came over with her hand held scanner. I found the price tag for her and she scanned it, and went back to her register.

"Your grand total will be $20.00 flat." She said in a monotone voice.

Gabe paid for me while I couldn't even concentrate on getting my money out.

"You know, you're not the first to do that?" The lady chuckled to herself.

"Well, I don't got time to chat. Bye!" I yelled, grabbing Gabe with me.

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