Secret Unfolding

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Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would come close to exposing our secret. It would put us at danger, not only for my family but the pack. We would all be at fault when the cops are to be sent out to shoot us. We can only tell our mates what we are, but that's never really an issue because most of our mates are wolves also. When one imprints on another, it's like their world is the only one that matters. They would do anything, be anything for that person. I haven't imprinted yet, so I don't know how that feels but I can see the love and protection in Hunter's eyes, when he's around his mate, Gina. He's there for her every step of the way. I want someone to imprint on me though.

"You should stay home for the week." My mom said, as she put away the clean dishes. We had the pack over for a Sunday dinner. More like a feast.

"I can't take a week off of school, I miss so much already when we have battles and practice." I argued, standing up from the stool heading out the back door.

"Where are you going?" She sighed.

"The library, I have to figure this out."

My phone buzzed on the table, causing it to shake and alarm others at the table. I quickly picked it up only to put it back down again. It was just Cam, being his protective self. I ignored the text and picked my focus back up at the computer screen. I scrolled through this one website that looked legit. It talked about werewolf diseases and what causes them but there was nothing about my patch of fur. I sighed and considered it to be enough research for one day, as I have the whole pack helping me out. I'm sure someone will find something.

"Excuse me miss, but no cell phones at this workstation." An old lady who had her glasses sliding down her nose, slightly tapped me on the shoulder. She didn't take her gaze off of me, as she was waiting for a response.

"I was just leaving." I slid my phone into my pocket and exited out of the site. She caught sight of the website and her eyes bugged out a little.

"You have a good day, sweetie." She waved and pushed in my chair. I could feel her hard stare on me as I left. She watched my every move as I left. This town is starting to creep me out. It's like they know something and I don't.

Once I reached the picnic tables outside the building, I pulled out my phone to text Cam:

Please come pick me up from library, librarian is suspicious.

He immediately received the text and was here in no time. I slid into the passenger's seat and he sped off before I had my seat belt on.

"So did you get anything?" He asked, turning into our driveway.

"No. But the librarian noticed what I was looking up. At first she looked frightened and then suddenly she looked like she knew something." I said, just trying to process my creepy encounter.

"Does she live on the Res?" Cam asked, trying to put clues together.

"I think so." I admitted.

"We could drive around town and maybe figure her out." He suggested.

"That's a good idea. Let's do it." I put my seat belt back on as he revved the engine.

"Want to tell mom?" He asked, before pulling out.

"Nah, she knows we're researching." I waved my hand like it was no big deal.

Cam drove down our rough little road. We of course, hit every pot hole there was. He drove slow so I could look out the window and see if I recognized any of the houses.

"She probably lives in a decent sized home." Cam said, looking out his window as well.

"I thought I heard her say to someone that she lives in mobile home, not too far from the library." I said.

"Would it be this one?" He pointed to the one with her husband sitting on the makeshift porch.

"Yes." I straightened in my seat to look at the old man. He immediately sat upright when he noticed us. His eyes were bold and brave. He knows something. They both do.

"Park the car." I demanded.

"What? Are you crazy? He looks insane." Cam argued, locking the doors.

"And he looks like he knows something. Camden, unlock the door." I spoke in my controlling voice.

"Fine." He gave up and hit the button to unlock the door. He waited in the car on the edge of the street. I caught him gulp as I opened the door and slammed it shut. I took a deep breath before crossing the street. I stood right before his porch steps.

"Can I help you?" He asked, in his old man voice. Once I saw his facial features better, I realized something. He's Native American, just like us.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could help my family and I with something." I began, a little unsure of where I was going with this.

"Who must you be?" He asked, waving his cane in the air. I turned around to catch Cam's gaze as soon as the man wave his cane at me. Camden got out of the car and shut the door. He stood against his car, watching him.

"I'm Skyler Jennings. I live just up the street." I smiled.

"What makes you think I could help your family?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

I took another deep breath and thought my word choice very carefully before I spoke.

"I'm a werewolf and I think I have a problem."

The Secret Life Of SkylerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant