First Day

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Mom called the school a few days ago and today will be my first day along with Cam and Gabe. Mom convinced them to just go to public school with me instead of school on the reservation. Hunter applied to a community college and he will be going there for teaching. I never really saw it in him to be a teacher but whatever floats his boat, I guess.
"I packed your lunches, they are on the counter in the kitchen." Mom told us as she peeked her head in our rooms.
As much as I was excited for school, the getting up part is truly the hardest. I took the pillow from underneath my head and smacked it down on my face, letting out a loud groan. I can't even look that cute on my first day because I have to cover my legs entirely.
I finally had the effort to get out of bed and put on my outfit, skinny jeans, white tank top with a black cotton cardigan and black leather combat boots. I applied my simple makeup, put on my earrings, did my hair and went out to the kitchen to find something to eat for breakfast.
"We'll eat on the way, let's go." Cam tapped me on the shoulder, him and Gabe practically flying out the door. I sighed and grabbed a poptart from the pantry and slung my backpack on and followed my stupid brothers out to the car.
Before we could even pull out, mom came rushing out of the door yelling something but then I realized she had all of our lunch bags in her hands.
"We forgot our lunch. Unlock the door." I said in a monotone voice.
I raced up the driveway and mom handed me the lunches.
"Have a great first day honey, you'll do fine. Make sure your brother's behave." She waved me goodbye.
"I will mom." I let out a chuckle and dashed back to the car.
We made it Lava Springs Highschool in a matter of just ten minutes. Turns out, we live around the corner from it. Gabe parked us, of course in like the farthest spot in the parking lot and it was raining, go figure. We got out of the car and we walked in a horizontal line, the three of us. I used my backpack as a shield from the rain on top of my head. Gabe and Cam didn't mind the rain so they just ignored it.
When we reached the front doors, all eyes were on us. We're the new kids showing up in the last semester. I tried to ignore the stares and just get to the office already. And when we did, the office ladies had our schedules all set for us. We are probably the only new students today, let alone the rest of the year.
"Here's a map for all of you." The red headed lady smiled.
"You'll need to get this red sheet signed by all of your teachers and you must bring it back here before you leave the building. Understood?" She asked, looking at all of us individually.
"Yes." We said in unison.
"Alright. If you have any questions, ask the hall monitor or any staff. First class begins in twenty, have a great day!" She was a bit over friendly for this early in the morning but I shrugged it off as too much coffee and went off to go find my locker.
"Where's your locker, little sis?" Gabe asked, taking a peek at my schedule.
"First floor. What about you?" I asked.
"Second. Same with Cam." He grinned.
"Well, I'll see you guys at the end of the day. Bye!" I brushed passed them and found sophomore hall. Students were either making out or throwing paper airplanes down the hall. I took a deep breath and gently pushed aside the couple sucking faces in front of my locker, to the side. They didn't even notice, thank goodness. I looked at my combo on the sheet and put it to test on the lock. It opened on my first try. I didn't really need to use my locker just yet, so I just put my lunch on the top shelf and shut it. I checked the time, I still had fifteen minutes until first period. I leaned against my locker and examined my schedule:
Period 1 - Global History II Rm 100
Period 2 - Computers Rm 201
Period 3 - English II Rm 101
Period 4 - Study hall Cafe
Period 5 - Creative Writing Rm 205
Period 6 - Gym Main
Period 7 - Lunch Cafe
Period 8 - Geometry Rm 106
Period 9 - Earth Science Rm 102
Instead of walking around and getting lost, I decided to go to first period and introduce myself to the teacher.
I walked in slowly to make sure I was in the correct room, 100. The teacher was at the white board, scribbling something down. She noticed me and set down her marker.
"Can I help you?" She asked in a very polite tone. I felt myself ease as I realized she wasn't as rude as the students were.
"I'm new." Was all I said and handed her my schedule and red sheet. She took the papers from my hand and took off her glasses.
"Very well, welcome to Global II Skyler. I am Ms. Shifter, you can have a seat wherever, the students don't have assigned seats." She smiled and went back to the board.
I looked around nervously. What if the students all just sit in the seat that sat in on the first day? I don't want to ruin their seating arrangements.
"Ms. Shifter, could you please tell me where nobody sits?" I asked, fear rising in me.
"Of course." She turned around to face the desks.
"Right there my dear." She pointed to the last desk in the first row. I immediately ran to it and took a seat. I took out my folder and pencil and prepared myself for class.
The bell sounded and everyone ran into the classroom at once. As soon as everyone piled in, they stopped to stare at me. I did my best not to blush or get all anxious.
"Class, this is our new student Skyler." Ms. Shifter rose from her desk.
"Who transfers this late in the year?" Some idiot boy mumbled, taking a seat in front of me.
"Skyler, is there anything you would like to share with us? So we could get to know you?" She had to ask the question I was hoping to avoid.
"Um, sure." I stood up at my desk.
"This should be good." The kid in front of me muttered. He turned around in his seat and fake smiled.
"Go ahead." He said. Gosh, I don't even know this boy and I already hate him.
"Well, I'm a black belt in karate and I'm not afraid to speak my mind, if someone is on my last nerve, I'll tell them." I grinned at the boy. His face fell and he instantly was anxious.
"Kevin looks like he's going to shit his pants." A boy from across the room erupted in laughter, high fiving his friends.
"Tyler, that wasn't nice. Apologize to Kevin." Ms. Shifter said, giving Tyler that 'seriously?' face.
"Sorry dude." Tyler rolled his eyes.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Skyler." Ms. Shifter smiled and went to the front of the class. Ms. Shifter went on and on about today's lesson, The Cold War. Kevin turned around to face me to whisper something but the words couldn't come out because his attention caught sight of my fur on my wrist. I quickly covered it up and hid my arms in my lap.
"What the?" Kevin whispered.
"Mr. Hersher, is there a problem?" Ms. Shifter asked. And the whole class turned in their seats to look at us. I felt my palms go sweaty and I prayed that no one else would notice.
"N-no." He stuttered. Everyone looked at us strangely and Ms. Shifter went back to teaching. I knew Kevin was still creeped out because he turned around again and muttered "Freak."

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