Soul Mate

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If someone told me they found their soul mate, I would laugh. But ever since being introduced into the werewolf world, that is all I believe in.  I have found mine and now I can live my life in, hopefully peace.

"I'm Skyler." I held out my hand.

"Skyler... so beautiful." He whispered.

"Why do I feel so attracted to you?" He let out a low laugh. His laugh was so dreamy and perfect. I could listen to him laugh forever.

"I think I have some explaining to do." I put out my hand for him to take.

He didn't say anything, he just raised an eyebrow but with a slight smile. He willingly took my hand and followed me as we fell down onto the flowers.

"Don't say anything right now, just look." I pointed to the clouds above us.

"That one looks like an Evelyn." He pointed and laughed. My dream came true, we were naming the clouds like they were our children.

"Evelyn is a pretty name." I smiled to myself.

"If we had a daughter, I would seriously consider naming her that." He turned on his side to face me.

My heart nearly stopped. He said WE as in, the both of us. I couldn't help but put my hand on his cheek. We smiled at each other until the sun set.

"So what did you have to tell me?" He sat up as we watched the beautiful sky glow a nice orange.

I sat up and sighed, "Well, I'm your soul mate and you are mine." I shut my eyes, fearing for his response even though this day went so amazing.

"I like the sound of that." He grinned and turned to look at me.

"You do?" I asked, totally shocked. I expected him to get up and run away.

"Of course. It's obvious we have some connection that God wanted us to meet today." He ran his finger down my cheek and I felt my spine chill and that's pretty hard to do considering my body temperature is warmer than the average human's.

"Yes but you have to know something about me." I whispered, looking down at the short grass.

"What? You're some mythical creature?" He chuckled. I picked my head up immediately and looked him dead in the eye with no smile.

"Wait, you're kidding right?" His tone went serious and I started to worry.

"No, I'm not." I spoke sadly, playing with the grass with my fingers.

"What are you?" He choked out. I thought about it for a minute and rolled up my sleeve only to find no fur. It worked. The imprinting actually worked.

"C'mon, don't leave me hanging!" He playfully slapped me.

"I imprinted on you and it worked." Was all that I could say. My mind was everywhere right now. I can still be human!

"Imprinted? Like an animal found its mate?" He asked, trying to put everything together.

"Yes, I'm a werewolf." The words rolled off my tongue like it was a normal thing for me to say.

"Werewolf?" His eyes bugged a little and the fear came back.

"Yes, I can phase into a big brown wolf." I said, sure that sounded like a line from a children's book.

"Can you show me?" He stood up and held out his hand for me. It took me a second to grasp what he had just asked me. But I took his hand and stood up, brushing myself off.

"Yea, sure. But let me do it in the woods, because I get naked in the process." I laughed and jogged into the woods.

You can do this Sky. You can do this. My internal thoughts yelled at me. I quickly phased, my clothes ripping to the ground, goodbye to that favorite shirt. I came running out in my wolf form and when I did, Zander took a step back for a second. Then our eyes met and he moved closer. He became comfortable very quickly and patted my head. I moaned in response.

"You're beautiful Skyler and I'm so glad that I get to call you mine." He spoke with all seriousness in his voice.

I wish I could speak in that moment so instead I nuzzled my head against him. After a few minutes, I removed myself from the interesting embrace and ran off into the woods. There is no other way for me to phase back, I'll show up naked. I ran to the end of the woods and phased into my human form. I ran in my shredded pants and shirt and ran into my house. I flew past everyone so I wouldn't have to explain just yet. When I got to my room, I quickly changed into skinny jeans and a blue cotton sweater. I slid my combat boots on and ran back out and into the woods. I was back in less than ten minutes. He still stood there, good.

"Hey." I stood behind him.

He turned around and faced me with his butterscotch eyes. I took a step back. How is that even possible? His eyes were blue when I met him. I scrunched my nose up when I realized what he smelled like, vampire.

"Zander." It was barely a whisper but I know he heard it.

"You knew what I was." It was a statement, not a question.

"Of course I did, you reeked." He admitted and I felt my heart shatter.

"How did this happen? My fur would only disappear if I imprinted on a HUMAN. And you are most certainly not human." I was absolutely stunned. How could this have worked? The elder was wrong?

"My power can make me look like a human and smell like one and that's all you needed. It did work, Skyler." He took my face with his hands and looked into my eyes.

"I would never hurt you." He whispered, gently leaving a kiss on my lips. He tasted so good, like peppermint.

"Do you promise me, that you will never leave me but love me and protect me?" I asked, looking into his REAL beautiful eyes.

"I swear on my life." He kissed me once again, leaving me breathless.

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