Own Way

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"Skyler, we have to go back to that man and explain all of this." Sadie whined, following me back into the woods.

"He'll report us to some crazy asylum. We can't risk the whole human population knowing. We must run." I ordered, starting off with an easy jog.

"NO." She stood back at the beginning of the tree line.

I stopped for a second and turned around, "What did you just say? I am alpha and that means you do what I tell you to do. I know what's best." I spoke in a serious tone. Who does she think she is?

"Of course you do, you're Skyler freakin' Elizabeth Jennings! You rule the world." She said with total sarcasm. The pack realized we weren't following anymore and came back to watch our dumb dispute.

"I mean, maybe you were just meant to be a damn werewolf the rest of your life! Just accept it!" She threw her hands up in the air, a stupid smile plastered across her face.

"Hey, take it down a notch." Axel stepped in front of Sadie.

"Oh shut up Ax!" She yelled. This is rare behavior coming from Sadie, I've never seen her so fueled up before. I stood there, staring at her bewildered and almost defeated.

"So what are you trying to say?" I asked carefully, making sure my tone didn't sound the wrong way.

"I'm saying, that man deserves the truth." She put her hands down at her sides, like she has given up.

"WHY? So we can get killed and become extinct?" I stepped closer, a branch crunching underneath me.

"No Skyler. It's not all about us sometimes. Just think how that man will feel. How is he suppose to explain how his wife got killed? He will be in denial all of his life." She was out of breath now due to the sobs escaping her chest.

"And think about the little girl." She whispered. She fell into Axel's arms crying her heart out.

I stood there shocked at first and then reality caught up to me and I realized that Sadie is right. We can't leave the man, but I can. I need to leave the pack. All I do is cause havoc. They wouldn't get in a sticky mess anymore. They can live their life in peace with their imprints.

"You're right." I spoke with confidence. Sadie looked up at me like I had just spoke another language.

"What?" She wiped away her tears and left Axel's embrace.

"I said you're right. Sadie, you're a better leader than I am. You know what's right, not me." I started, looking above her so I didn't have to see the emotions on her face.

"What are you doing?" Camden whispered into my ear.

"Shh." I put a finger to my mouth then returned to Sadie.

"Sadie, I'm giving you my power. I'm making you alpha." I finally cracked a smile and put an imaginary crown on her head. She gladly accepted and gave me a hug.

"Wait, what just happened?" Cam asked.

"I'm leaving the pack." I answered.

"WHAT?" Cam, Gabe, Hunter, Stella, London, Jayce, Axel all said in unison.

I burst out laughing at their expressions on their faces.

"You don't have to leave sis, it's the fights that make us stronger." Hunter was the one who spoke and I couldn't help but laugh in his face.

"You're kidding right?" I continued laughing. He wasn't.

"Hunter, I knew about your little plan to get rid of me." I stopped laughing and replaced my smile with a frown.

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