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Spring break. He's here for a week and then he's gone. I have one week to get my best friend back or else he's gone for good.

"What are you thinking about?" Cam came and sat on the edge of the chair as I sat in it fully focused on my thoughts.

"I have to see Charlie again." I looked up at him like it was must, a necessity.

"So do it. You still have his number, I know you do." He chuckled.

"How do you know?" I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"It's not rocket science, you like him." He said like it was the million dollar answer.

"Not like that." I emphasized. I don't have feelings for Charlie. He's my best friend, I could never ruin our friendship by dating him. It's already ruined, so why make it worst?

"Whatever. I'm going for a run to the beach, you coming?" He asked, heading for the door.

I contemplated my decision, I could go with Camden or text Charlie. OR, I could invite Charlie with us. I like that idea. I picked up my phone and called him instead. He picked up on the first ring, almost like he was waiting for me to call him or vice versa.

"Hello?" He spoke, kind of rushed or too sudden.

"Hi Charlie, it's me." I said. He should know my voice, I shouldn't have to tell him my name.

"Oh hey Skyler, I was just going to call you. Do you want to hang out or do something today?" He asked and I swear I had butterflies forming in my stomach.

"That's what I was calling about." I let out a giggle at the end.

"So... what's it going to be?" He asked, like we were still best friends.

"I was thinking maybe go to the beach?" I was unsure of his response. It is only March and it's quite cold still but I wasn't planning on swimming.

"Yea, sure. That sounds great. Which one?" He asked. I could hear the enjoyment fill in his voice. He's excited to see me.

"First beach, La Push."

"Cool, when?"

"I was just leaving now.. meet you there in about twenty?" I asked, hoping I wasn't sounding too desperate.

"Yea, can't wait." He said and hung up.

"Well let's go, are you coming or what?" Cam yelled from the front door.

"Yes and Charlie is going to meet us there." I smiled from ear to ear.

"And you don't like him, yeah okay." He grinned and we left, heading into the woods.

We phased into our wolf forms so we could get there quicker. We arrived in ten minutes, Charlie probably won't be here for another ten.

"We should cliff jump." Cam said, sitting against the rocks, taking in the beautiful ocean and sky.

"Charlie is a human, I don't know if that would be safe." I argued.

"It's safe Sky, people do it recreationally for fun." He said, standing up whipping his shirt off and throwing it onto the sand.

"Well you're waiting for your little boyfriend, I'll be up there." He pointed to the very high cliff. I gulped just looking at it from down here.

"He's NOT my boyfriend!" I yelled.

"Skyler?" Came that soft honey voice.

I turned around to face him, hoping he didn't hear what I just said.

"Hey, Charlie." I tried to act all innocent and he seemed to have bought it.

"What's your brother doing up there?" He pointed to the very large cliff that gave me chills.

"Um, he's just a big fan of nature." I lied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Holy crap, he's going to jump!" Charlie ran closer to get a better look.

"Is he..?" He started to ask. I knew what he was going to say, is he suicidal?

"No, if he was, I wouldn't dare let him on that cliff." I said very matter-of-factly.

"Then what the hell is he doing? He could die if he hits his heads on one of those rocks." Charlie was now shouting, throwing his hands in the air, cursing.

"Charlie." I put my hand onto his shoulder, hoping to calm him down but that didn't help one bit.

"You have to get him down." Charlie looked at me with pleading eyes.

I sighed and yelled and waved for Camden to come down but he didn't understand. He waved and smiled, put his thumbs up and jumped from the cliff. He landed in the water with no problem.

"How did he... how is that even possible?" Charlie tried processing it all.

I'm doomed. What the heck am I suppose to say?

"He's an amazing swimmer." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"Yea, I'm going to need a lot better of an answer than that." He crossed his arms across his chest.

The Secret Life Of SkylerWhere stories live. Discover now