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The bell rang forty minutes later and I was so relieved to get out of that class. Kevin couldn't keep his eyes off me, it was so nervewracking considering I didn't know what his next move could be.
I filed out of the classroom behind the other students, just trying to blend in. But I was stopped just outside of the classroom by a very tall, muscular girl.
"So you can do karate?" She asked, towering over me.
"Yes." I looked up at her angry eyes. Why is everyone so mean around here?
"Well if you make Kevin any more uncomfortable tomorrow, you're in for a beat down." She smacked her left fist into her right hand and then walked away.
I tried to act as human as possible and act as if I were scared. She wouldn't last a chance with me. I would have her ribs broken in seconds.
"Don't worry about her, she's Kevin's overprotective girlfriend." A girl that apparently watched the conversation spoke up.
"I'm Shannon, I'm in your Global." She put her hand out for me to shake. I hesitated at first because of the fur but I just went in real quick and shook it and took my hand back. "Skyler." I smiled.
"So what do you have next period?" She asked, looking over at my schedule that's in my hands.
"Computers, second floor." As soon as I said that I took out my map. This damn thing is so confusing what the hell?
"I have that class! I'll show you!" She grabbed my hand and ran down the hall and to a set of stairs.
"This would be the best way to get here especially since your locker is right by Global." She smiled and then took the lead up the stairs. When we reached the top, she hung a right and the classroom was the first room on the left.
"Here it is! Mrs. Frontier is so nice!" She gushed.
I walked in to find the computers aligned the side of the classroom. There looked to be about 20 and a teachers desk in the back of the classroom. There sat a young woman in maybe her thirties, late twenties. I walked over and told her I'm new and handed her the red sheet to sign. She then assigned me a computer which happened to be next to Shannon.
"This is going to be your best last few months as a sophomore! Lava Springs is the best, even though some of the students here are rude, overall we are like family and your years here will be an amazing experience." Shannon gushed, once again. This girl is very bubbly for someone who wears all black and spikey boots. Don't judge a book by its cover.
The rest of the day went by in a slow manner. I saw Cam at lunch, so I sat with him. Gabe had fifth period lunch. Kevin was in my ninth period, Earth Science. I was glad when the teacher seated me in the back, far far away from him. He glared at me a few times but eventually gave his attention to our teacher, Ms. Burke.
Gabe drove Cam and I home. I sat in the backseat of the car, head on the window, wishing I could just be normal. I didn't even get to choose to become a werewolf, the werewolf life chose me. I do actually love it because I can kick ass but I don't when I have to keep my life a secret. It's like an alternative life I live. Only certain people can know and then I'm also thrown out in the human world expected to do human things.
"Sky?" Cam shook my shoulder from the front seat.
"Is she sleeping?" I heard Gabe ask.
"I'm not sure." Cam responded.
I am actually just resting my eyes but I don't feel like answering them and getting all sappy with my thoughts.
"Well is she breathing?" Gabe asked and I immediately popped my eyes open so I wouldn't frighten them.
"I'm fine!" I shouted.
We got home shortly after. I tossed my bag in my room on the floor and jumped onto the bed, face first. Someone knocked on my door, so I turned over on my back to see who it was. Hunter. Ew.
"What do you want Hunter?" I sat up against the wall.
"I was thinking maybe I could take you love searching." He let out a low chuckle.
"No, he'll come around and I'll just know it." I threw a pillow at him which he caught and tossed it back at me.
"Fine, stay here forever." He muttered, slamming my door.
I thought he was trying to get rid of me, I swear of it. But I did want to find my piece of forever so I got up and went outside to the creek where I ran into Charlie. I leaned over the railing and threw stones into the water. This seems to be the place I fall in love. But then it came to me, that in my dream I was in a bed of flowers. I need to find that bed of yellow and red flowers.
I started a run through the woods. I looked all around for my dream's location. It has to be here somewhere. I realized that the woods was coming to an end, so I came out of the trees and sighed. I'm never going to find it.
And then I heard a crunch come from behind me. I froze and didn't dare turn around. I waited until I heard more crunches. The footsteps were coming closer so I decided to turn around slowly and carefully, my natural instincts kicking in. It was a boy about my age, he's beautiful. Chocolate brown hair, blue eyes that could light up the sky. Perfect lips, light freckles underneath his eyes.
"Hi, I'm Zander. This is going to sound really strange but.." He let out a soft chuckle that sounded so elegant. I melted at his words.
He looked up from the ground and into my eyes, slightly blushing with a crooked smile. It was then that I realized I am standing in my bed of yellow and red flowers. My heart skipped a beat.
"Go on." I spoke softly, needing to hear the words I was dying for.
"I feel like I was pulled here for some reason." He finished. Yes, oh my goodness, yes!
I let the imprinting gods do their magic at the point. I could actually see a future with this boy. Gravity actually pulled us together. He's mine forever.

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