A Need

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"So?" Charlie waited, a little pissed off.

"Don't leave me again. Please." I begged with all the hope left in me. I can't lose him a second time, I need him to understand and not run off to tell the world that I'm fantasy creature you read in books and see in movies.

"What? Why would I leave you?" He chuckled.

"What I'm about to tell you, has to remain a secret." I pulled him by the wrist and sat down on a rock.

"Wow, okay. This must be serious." His facial expressions changed immediately and he looked prepared for the worst.

I took a deep breath before speaking and just as I opened my mouth to speak, Cam came running over, sitting in between us.

"What the hell?" I yelled, standing up.

"Um... no what the hell to you?" Charlie stood up and backed away from me like he was scared.

"What?" I looked down at myself and realized what he had just spotted. My fur. I gasped and quickly covered my leg. It spread. Again.

"Charlie." I cried. The expression on his face broke me. He looked frightened almost like he was about to tell someone.

"Cam." I whined, wiping tears from my now tear streaked face.

"I was trying to cover you up but you stood up." He shook his head, obviously just as worried as I am.

"What are you?" Charlie took a step closer.

"I'm..." I started, but couldn't finish my sentence. I couldn't let it escape my lips. Not yet, at least.

"Sick." I finished. I mean, I'm not really lying, I do have some weird wolf disease.

"Are you okay?" Concern filled his face. He stepped forward to take my hands in his.

"That's why you have fur on your leg?" He gently rubbed his hand against the fur on my leg. I cringed as he did so. What am I suppose to do?

"Um, yea. It's some rare disease." I sighed and looked over at Cam for some help.

"And.. she should really go rest." Cam interrupted this extremely awkward moment. I hate lying to him but it was for the better for right now.

"Okay. Call me, okay? I'm leaving Friday." When he said 'leaving' I nearly collapsed right there in front of him. He can't leave me.

"Y-yea, sure." It took all my strength to keep me standing.

"Sky!" Cam rushed over to my sides as I almost hit the sandy floor beneath me.

My eyes were struggling to stay open, my pain was engrossing in major pain, running down my thigh and throughout my entire leg. The pain shot up my other leg, now going up. The pain was so bad, I couldn't even scream out loud. My brain was screaming from the inside though. I could slightly hear Cam and Charlie yelling at me, but I couldn't focus on them, I could only focus on the pain that lived inside of me.

But it was those words that came from Cam, that I heard.

"She needs to imprint."

"She needs to what?" Charlie yelled.

"Imprint. She needs to fall in love with her soul-mate." Cam explained.

"What the hell?" Charlie's voice was filled with fear.

"And how does one imprint?" Charlie was asking Cam, obviously really confused on the matter.

"It's all in her. When she finds the one that she wants to protect, be in love with forever, gravity will pull her to him." Cam said, probably confusing Charlie even more.

"What are you guys? There's no way you should of lived when you jumped from that cliff. And now you're telling me she must imprint...?" Charlie's voice drifted off like he was thinking.

"I've read about this somewhere... I think maybe in Bio last year.." He continued his thought process.

"We learned about imprinting very briefly.. it's when an animal  find its mate." He finished once he realized he had said animal.

"Y-y-you're not human." He stuttered. My eyes blinked a few times before I could open them. The pain had subsided for now and I could stand up again.

"You're right Charlie, we are not." I spoke.

"We're werewolves." I looked him dead in the eyes and his eyes locked with mine.

"Skyler?" Cam shook my shoulder, but I ignored it.

"Sky?" Cam called again, but I once again, ignored it.

Charlie, the boy that has always made my heart skip a beat. The boy that made me blush. The boy that made me feel completely normal, when he was present around me. The boy that I love. My body went into imprinting mode, I could feel gravity pulling us together. I looked into his eyes and I could see our future. Only a few more seconds left and I will have to tell him. He is a need. I need this boy in my life.

I felt myself go back to normal. The fur immediately disappeared from my leg and stomach. Cam's eyes widened. I sent a smile his way and he ran to me and picked me up, swinging me around.

"Congratulations little sis." He said, after putting me back down on my feet.

"What's going on?" Charlie asked.

"I imprinted on you." I sighed, not sure how he will react.

"So that means...?" He didn't finish his sentence.

"I have to be with you?" He finished. My heart felt broken at his words. He doesn't want to be with me.

"No, not necessarily. We don't have to rush this." I took his hands in mine and it felt like electricity went through the both of us.

"I think we can make this work." He breathed out quietly, smiling.

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