Zander's Secret

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London messaged me over twenty times and I just wanted to flush my phone down the toilet. She kept saying she knows something and I should know too. She's probably trying to break me up with Zander so I can live my life miserable.

"Are you okay?" Camden came and sat down beside me at the kitchen counter.

"No, not really." I looked at him with that are-you-kidding-me? look.

"Sorry." He mumbled and stood up from his chair, walking down the hall.

I heard him mumble profanities, smashing his hands against the wall, causing them to crack. Curse word after curse word. Mom yelled at him and he apologized.

"Skyler, what's going on with your brother? He seems a little on edge, so does Gabriel. And where is Hunter?" The suspicion rose as she realized Hunter was missing.

"Mom, there's something I have to tell you. Take a seat." I pulled out the stool for her. She nervously took a seat, her hands trembling.

"Hunter... is he?" She was thinking of the worst. I didn't mean to get her all worked up.

"Hunter is fine mom." I put my hands over hers in hopes of relaxing her.

"Oh thank god." She sighed and relaxed a little, shoulders slumping.

"So where is he?" She asked.

"Well that's what I have to tell you. My pack is divided. Axel is alpha of his pack and Hunter is in that pack." I gave her a chance to take it all in before I continued.

"Continue." She said quicker than I expected.

"We're divided because I... imprinted on a.. vampire." I whispered the last part.

"VAMPIRE?" She was instantly ticked off. She stood from her stool and was ready to smash something.

"SKYLER ELIZABETH JENNINGS!" She screamed my full name. She never calls me by my full name, only that one time when I cut my Barbie's hair off.

"Mom, he has a power where he can look and smell human. I had no idea, really." I spoke with fear. She's probably going to kick me out. I'll be left to live on my own, probably in Montana again.

"This is just great." She threw her hands up in surrender.

"Do you realize the things you did to this pack?" She doesn't mean it, right?

"No wonder your pack isn't whole anymore. Is it just them two?" She asked.

"No, London and Jayce too." I muttered softy.

"And Sadie, Camden, Gabriel and Stella are siding with you?" She made it sound like it was a crime.

"Yes." I gulped hard.

"I would be on Hunter's side too but I can't because you're my daughter." She spat.

"Mom.. how could you say these things? I didn't even know he was a vampire until his eyes changed color. It's his power. It's no ones fault here." I stood up from the stool, ready to defend myself from this maniac of a mother.

"I'm sorry Skyler." Her voice softened and she reached in for a hug.

"DON'T. TOUCH. ME." I backed up, heading for the door.

"Skyler." She whined.

"No mom. You did this all by yourself." I said through gritted teeth.

"Where are you going?" She asked, giving up.

"Zander's." I said.

"Wh-o...the vampire?" She asked and it was like a light bulb went off in her head.

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