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"YOU WHAT?" Axel yelled in fury, taking a stool from the kitchen down to the ground.

"Axel, calm down." Sadie picked the stool up as her eyes never left Axel to make sure he wouldn't hurt her or someone/something else.

"I think it's totally cute that you fell in love with a vampire, it's unique." Sadie smiled and gently patted my shoulder.

"Axel is just a jealous fool." She whispered.

"I heard that." Axel muttered.

"You have Chloe anyways." Sadie shook her head in disappointment.

"It's really not that big of a deal." I shrugged my shoulders with nothing else to say.

"I'm sorry Skyler, but I have to agree with Axel on this one. This could be a huge threat to us, especially his coven." London spoke up and I was absolutely shocked. I never expected London to be on the jerk's side.

I stood up, absolutely appalled. Camden and Gabriel stood up beside me in a defensive crouch.

"Chill, I'm not going to hurt you." She said, in a rude tone.

Suddenly Hunter raised his hand like we were in school.

"Yes Hunter?" I pointed like I was the teacher.

"I'm sorry sis,  but I agree with them." He rushed over to their sides. I felt completely betrayed, by my own brother.

"That leaves Stella and Jayce. Who's side are you guys on?" I folded my arms across my chest and stared at them both.

"No pressure, jeez." Stella tried to say jokingly but I wasn't haven't it.

"Of course I agree with you." Stella quickly embraced me.

"As for my brother, who knows." She shook her head and stood next to me proudly.

"So?" I asked, waiting for his response.

"You know I love ya because we are family but I just don't agree with this." His eyes were left remorseful as he walked past me and sided with Axel. Axel put his hand up and Jayce high-fived it.

"Well then, it seems we are divided." I said, sighing.

"What does this mean?" Jayce asked.

"Since I am alpha of this pack, it means we are no longer a pack." My heart shattered at the words that left my mouth.

Everyone's faces dropped at my words but really they did this themselves. My love life should mean nothing to them, they should support me no matter who I fall in love with but it seems that this is more important to them. Well now they are on their own and will have to find a new alpha.

"All those in favor of Axel being the new alpha, raise your hand!" Hunter yelled and what do you know, Axel, London, Hunter and Jayce all raise their hand. Jayce was mouthing 'I'm sorry' as his hand raised in the air.

I turned to my group,

"Since I am still alpha, you can either be apart of my pack or leave." I grinned, and hoped inside that they would stay.

Sadie looked unsure and she started mumbling something to low for me to hear. She pulled me aside so we could talk.

"Sky, Axel's my twin. How are we suppose to be in two different packs?" She nervously bit her nails.

"You do what you want to do. There's only one of you and you make decisions for yourself." I put both of my hands on her shoulder and looked her deep into her eyes.

She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you for being here for me, you're the best alpha ever." She whispered.

We walked back over to our little group.

"So? Who's in?" I asked.

Everybody raised their hands and I turned and gave my opposing side an evil smile.

"So, I guess this is goodbye, ex-pack members. Hunter." I said, nodding my head.

"Uh yea sis, I guess I don't have to get rid of you anymore because I'm the one leaving." He laughed to himself. I knew it. I knew it all long Hunter didn't like me which is pretty low considering he's my brother. I always felt that he was jealous because I became alpha and he didn't, considering he's the oldest.

"You're a douche." Gabe shook his head.

"There's a plus Gabe. You can have your own room now." Hunter put up his hand for a high-five but Gabe ignored it.

"Alright, we're leaving now." Axel and his pack made one hell of an exit, by flipping all of us off even London.

I plummeted to the couch and put my head on my hands that were being supported by my legs.

"You okay?" Sadie and Stella said at the exact same time, sitting next to me on both sides.

"Um yea I guess. This pack just got a hell of a lot smaller though. If there ever comes a fight, we will most likely be outnumbered." I spoke what was itching my brain for the last half hour.

"We will train, extra hard. We can do it." Stella took my wisdom I gave to her and sent it my way.

"Yea, we can do it." I stood up like a superhero with a stupid silly smile plastered across my face.

"So who wants to meet Zander?" I asked, standing at the door.

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