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"I've called this meeting today, so I could tell you all that I have imprinted." I clapped my hands in excitement as my pack sat in a circle in my living room. At first, I don't think it really went through their heads what I had just said, and then moments later the room erupted in cheers and congratulations!

"I'm so happy for you." London stood up to give me a hug.

"Do you even realize the affect this has on all of us?" Axel stood up, anger building up within him.

"Ax, sit down and shut up." Sadie -always having to act like their mother- said.

"No. Did you ever even think how this could implicit us?" His voice was reaching higher and I started to feel my stomach knot up.

"Didn't you hear what the elderly man told, Skyler?" It was Hunter that spoke and I was actually shocked. He was standing up for me?

"Yes, but I think if she imprinted on another species, she still would of been fine." Axel argued. It was always Axel's way or the highway.

"Well, it's all over and I'm in love. I'm sorry I'm happy, Axel." I got up from the group, because I could see myself loosing control and phasing right there in front of my pack.

"Wait! Skyler!" Sadie chased after me, but I was already out the door running for the woods.

"Where are you going?" I was stopped to a halt by an officer. Sadie skidded to a stop right beside me. We exchanged a warily glance then looked back at the officer.

"Um? A walk into the woods?" I tried making it sound casual but I wasn't too sure if he was buying it.

"No one is going in here, there were wolves spotted here a few days ago. It's too dangerous for you ladies to be in here, let alone anybody." He spoke, backing us away from the woods. I looked at Sadie again with a worried expression. Her expression mirrored mine.

"Oh, well thank you for telling us, we shall inform our loved ones." I said, taking Sadie by the hand, running back towards the house.

"BE SAFE!" The officer yelled back.

We came running into the house, panting like dogs. We ran into the living room where our pack was now watching TV. They all picked their heads up when they heard us trying to catch our breath.

"Speak! Don't leave us hanging!" London's voice was filled with suspense.

"Okay.. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE MUST LISTEN!" I said, taking the remote out of Axel's hand and hitting the power button. He was mad, but was ready to listen.

"Okay, so I was chasing Skyler into the woods but then I saw that she had stopped and as I got closer she was facing an officer blocking the woods off." Sadie began and I finished,

"He told us no one can enter the woods because wolves have been spotted in there."

Everyone gasped and Axel was livid. He stood up and squeezed his hands against both sides of his head. He then let out a loud groan of frustration.

"Your little boyfriend probably told them!" He yelled, coming towards me.

"He's going to make sure we become extinct. That means we die, Skyler. You put all of our lives in danger." His words hit me like a ton of bricks. Charlie wouldn't do that, would he?

"So we don't phase for awhile and then they give up. We just be extra careful." Cam said, always playing peacemaker.

"How am I suppose to see Chloe?" Axel yelled.

"Drive there." I said, almost scared to speak. He just shook his head.

"Sadie, we're going home." Axel took her arm and started to drag her to the door.

"NO! Axel, let go of me!" She tried pushing him off of her but he was stronger.

"I'm sorry." She said over her shoulder to me, before being tossed out the door with her annoying twin.

"And then there were seven." Jayce sighed, lounging into the sofa.

"Don't get comfortable." Stella threw a pillow at his head.

"We have to inform our families." London said.

"Jayce, Stella, let's go we're leaving." She stood behind the sofa, gathering her younger sister and older brother.

"Since we cannot phase, we won't have to see each other so often unless someone calls a pack meeting, it should be done through phone call. We will see you guys soon." London spoke with such authority, for a second I felt like she's alpha. And then they were gone.

"Well, we should tell mom when she comes home from work." Gabe stood up from the chair and went off to some other part of the house.

"You better hope that your little boyfriend wasn't the cause of this." Hunter pointed his finger in my face and then followed Gabe.

"Cam?" I asked.

"Yes?" He answered, looking out the bay window from the sofa.

"Do you think he did it?" I asked.

"Guess there's only one way to find out." He stood up from the sofa and left me alone to think it all through.


I stood on the porch of Charlie's grandparent's house. I prepared in my head what I was going to say before I proceeded on knocking the door. I took a deep breath and then knocked once, only because the door opened before I could do a second one.

"Skyler, let's talk out here." Charlie opened the door and closed it behind him. My gut twisted, he knows.

He took my hand and we went to the backyard and sat around the fire ring. He let go of our hands and rubbed his together for warmth.

"I know what you came here for." He started. My heart was thumping out of my chest at an irregular speed.

I couldn't get words out of my mouth, so I let him continue.

"My brother did it, not me." Was all he said. I had to think about what he just said.

"You told your brother about me?" I was outraged. How could he do this? He is exposing us just like I told him not to.

"No, no. Calm down, you didn't let me finish." He put his hand on my right thigh but I flinched away.

"My brother reported them yesterday when he was hiking. He just caught sight of one and then fled from the woods immediately. I don't even think the wolf saw him. He ran straight to the police department. I swear, I didn't tell anyone." He took my hand with his and intertwined them.

I let go and stood up.

"How can I trust you when I just told you yesterday?" I raised my voice.

"I haven't even seen your brother here once." I added.

"He's not home right now, he's at the grocery store but I swear it was him, not me." He was pleading for me to believe him and for some reason I felt this twinge in my body telling me the imprint didn't work. I should easily be giving into him but I'm not, I'm holding a grudge.

"I need time to think." I shook my head, my mind ready to explode.

"Shouldn't we have an inseparable bond?" He asked, standing up to take my hands into his. I looked into his eyes and wished that I could believe him.

"Yes, but I mean I am different for some reason. My heart is telling me that you're innocent but my mind says otherwise." I admitted, a tear falling down my cheek.

"So trust your heart." He said. He was all in. He's ready to fall in love with me.

"This is the weirdest imprint by far, that I have ever seen. We will have to take this relationship day by day Charlie." I couldn't believe I let it escape my lips.

"Where are you going?" He said as I turned in the other direction. If I say it, I may loose him for good but it must be done.

"The police department." I whispered.

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