Chapter 1

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I sat beside Prim stroking her hair and Peeta walked into the room carrying some boxes " Hey" he smiles to Prim but just copletely ingnores me since it was only 2 days go that he was told I was faking the love act and everything he said was true.

" Hello " I say back to him walking over and taking one of the boxes out of his arms and wow it's heavy, how can he carry 3 of these? Once we are out of sight of Prim Peeta just stares at me 

" Can I help you?" I laugh

" Oh erm .. sorry" He stutters " You know Katniss even if to you it was just an act I really do love you. I stare into his beuatiful blue eyes and see that he it telling the truth, he really does love me.

4 years later !

" Katniss you need to see your mother about this she can tell you whats up" Peeta insists. I shake my head as I turn to the other side of me and vomit. Before I know it Peeta has scooped me up and is carrying me down the stairs to see my mother and Prim " She's been sick all morning" he states and Prim has a conserned look on her face.

" Set her down on that table over there" My mother instructs as she pulls on a pair of disposable gloves. My other examins me for ages poking and proding and hooking me up to all sorts of Capitol machines.

Peet who has been sitting beside me this whole time speaks up" So... do you know whats up with her?" he asks my mother

" No not yet" she responds " Just take her up the stairs and let her rest and then when I know what's up I'll come up and tell you"   

Peeta carefully takes me ack up the stairs the way he brought me down, with me cradeled in his arms. 

" Peeta what do you think is wrong with me?" I ask after about 5 minutes of silence but Peeta just shruggs I haven't seen him this upset since he asked me to marry him and he thought I was going to say no but as soon as I jumped into hs arms kissed him and said yes his smile was fro ear to ear.

My mother comes into the room and shoots an evil glare at Peeta wow whats her problem?  " Whats wrong? Is it really bad?" Peeta asks almost having a panick attack. My mother shkes her head                    " No it's just Katniss" she takes a long breath and I prepre for the worst " Is Pregnant

Wait how could I be pregnant? I think to myself. I look over at Peeta and he is just as happy as he was when I said yes to marrying him but I'm still confuesed, How could I be pregnant? the words just replay over and over again in my head I begin to get dizzy and everything goes black.

I open my eyes and I am lying on the bed that me and Peeta share " Hey" I choke out to Peeta who is sitting beside me, he jumps when he hears me.

" Katniss, you're alive " He says in relief

" And why wouldn't I be?" I ask I am so confused 

" Katniss don't you remember?" Peeta questions and I shake my head " Well then tell me everything you know about your self" He instucts

" I am Katniss Everdeen                                  

 I live in district 12

I am 20 years old

I am married to Peeta Mellark

I came out of the Hunger games alive" Wait now its all coming back to me

" And I am ...Pregnant?" the last thing I say is kind of a question because I really don't know myself but Peeta nods . I feel a tear run down my face

" But Peeta what if they have to go into the Hunger Games as punishment for what I did?" I sob  " It's ok" He reasures me while rubbing my back. I can feel my eye lids getting heavier untill I finaly fall asleep lying on Peeta's chest listening to his steady heart beat. 

I'm  in the meadow kneeling down with Peeta at a grave stone and I can't really make out what the name is but underneath it says ' The child of district 12's very own star crossed lovers who was a loving sister, daughter, neice, cousin and granddaughter that went into the Games and never returned you will always be remembered by many, rest in peace' 

I wake up and I am covered in sweat an tears Peeta who is hovering above my quickly asks if I had a bad dream and I nod then tell him all about it while he sooths me and tries to calm me down. After I have told Peeta everything he tells me that he wouldn't allow that to happen and we both walk had in hand down the stairs to get soe breakfast. Peeta walks over to the kitchen and pulls a freshly baked batch of cheese rools out of the oven ,my faourite he always knows exactly what I want .I think to myself and am snapped out of my thoughts when the air fills with the scent of the cheese rolls. After both me and Peeta have finished breakfast Prim comes skipping into the room giggling.

" What are you so happy about?" I ask her very suspiciosly 

" Rory got me a new necklace" she gins as she shows me it. I think she is far to young for I boyfriend at 16 but then I remember that me and Peeta were only 16 when everything happened in the Hunger Games cave and then 17 when we got married. And anyway Rory is the little brother of Gale me best friend/cousin.      

" That's great" Peeta smiles as Prim walk out of the door oops I must have gone into a day dream? Me and Peeta walk out into the gareden of our house in the victors village and see my mother sitting on the grass . 

" Hi " She says without even turning around, does she have eyes on the back of her head?  me and Peeta both say hello but she looks really deep in thought and she doesn't hear us .

" Is everything OK mum?" I ask tapping herv on the shoulder .      She exhales deeply then responds" When you passed out I had to make sure the baby was Ok and I gave you and altra sound and." ..................." Well here's the thing Katniss.. You're having twins"

A child of the star crossed lovers - After Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now