Chapter 7

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I wake up to the smell of food flooding through my noise and see Carter over by the fire roasting some sort of meat .

" You were supposed to wake me " I say with a grin 

" Sorry but you looked happy I just didn't have the heart . I went hunting and caught a squirrel " He smiles pointing to the meat cooking over the fire .  I walk over to him and jump into his arms kissing him and our lips move in unison .

" Woah , I didn't know this was a love fest ?" Rye grunts and I smile at him.

We all sit down to breakfast and talk about our lives back home.  

 " Well actually many think that I am the hottest guy in our district " Carter jokes and both me and Rye burst out laughing.

" Ok well in my district we eat , sleep , breath and fish and that just about somes it up " Carter sighs and I stare at the floor . I was so wrong thinking that the higher up districts also known as Career districts had an easy life . If anything Carters life is harder than ours.

" Well our district is mining but all thanks to my mom and dad no one in family has to go near those mines so we have a pretty easy life , well up until now."  I say slowly as it is hard thinking of all of the people who have died down in those mines including my grandpa who I wasn't able to meet as he died WELL before I was born but have heard many things about him from my mother. All thanks to him I have a wonderful singing voice and so does my mother.

Carter just nods and looks away , as he turns I see a single tear escape from his eye . I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him tightly which makes him burst out in tears.

" Shhhh " I whisper to him " It's OK " 

" NO it's not " He sighs " I will never see my parents again"

" Hey , don't say that you have just as much chance as the rest of us " I correct him.

" No because you need to go home Willow " He tells me

" But I couldn't live without you " I cry as tears start falling freely down my cheeks and press my lips softy against his.

After me an Carter finally stopped crying we set of in search of some water . I hear a noise and hold up my finger to my mouth signaling to be quiet . As I suspected their was a tribute near by and as soon as they come near us I lift up my knife but she falls to  the ground before I have the chance to throw. I look and see a spear sticking throw her stomach and the tip coming through her back.

" Your quick" I say complementing Carter but he stares at his feet, I think he feels guilty for killing an innocent child.

We continue walking and I feel my feet beginning to get wet. I look down and see that the soil on the ground is damp which means we are near a fresh stream . I run ahead of Carter and Rye and find a small stream surrounded by tall weeds and vines. I take out my dagger and slice threw them trying to get into the stream.

After an hour of constantly cutting threw vines and weeds we make it into the stream and I dive straight in. I wash all of my clothes and then fill up the water bottles putting iodine into them and then wait for them to purify .  After the iodine has finished working we each take a water bottle and I take a long swig from mine feeling the cold liquid work wonders as it goes down my dried up throat. I am brought back to my senses when a Cannon goes off somewhere quiet close . We see the hovercraft come to pick up the body and see the female from 11 , Tillie , being lifted up not to far away with a gash in her throat.

We decide to keep on moving because if the dead tribute was so close by then the attacker will be close by to. We walk closer towards the cornucopia and when we finally get there we see that the Careers are away. Obviously very careless leaving there supplies out in the open, I run over and start hunting threw the pile of supplies seeing if there is anything that would be useful to me.  I only find 1 more knife and a few packets of dried fruit.   I whip around after looking through the supplies ad find myself face to face with Lyra from 2 and a few yards away I see that Lucius has Rye in a head lock and Carter is face down on the ground with Lucius' foot on his back , pinning him to the ground. I pull out one of my knifes and Lyra takes out her axe. 

Lyra dives on top of me and begins taunting me by tracing lines down my face with the blade of her axe but that was a terrible mistake . She drops her axe right beside my head for a split second and I manage to roll over so that I am on top of her. I take my knife and plunge it deep into Lyra's throat . I stand up as Lucius drops Rye to the ground and runs over to help Lyra . She begins chocking on her blood while trying to tell Lucius one last thing and a cannon instantly rings through the arena. 

" You just made a big mistake Mellark" Lucius spits as he stands up and throws a knife at Carter  and it lands in his stomach but it doesn't go in deep enough to kill him. Lucius walks off in the other direction from us killing the male from 10 , Angus , along the way by snapping his neck and the cannon instantly booms.

We set off towards the stream and I can feel my throat burning.

" Where do you think Bolt was in all of that?" Rye asks curiously

" Lucius probably kicked him out the alliance " I answer almost immediately and Carter agrees with me.         

We continue walking and I am extremely tired the only thing keeping me going is knowing that a tribute could attack us at any point.   When we get to the stream I dive right in and start gulping all of the water down , even if it is bad for you . I swim around in the stream for a bit and I start to see fish the deeper in I go but before I can even mention it to the others there are 2 big fish with spears through them .    

I step out of the water and hand Carter the fish that he caught while Rye starts a small fire to cook them. While the fish is cooking we all stare at the sky and the voice of the head game maker comes over the speakers.

" Tributes the Capitol has been feeling  that this years games is a little boring and they have been voting on attractions to send in so stay tuned" 

" You honestly don't think it's bad enough killing 23 Innocent children?" I scream at the sky before I collapse in a ball on the floor rocking back and forth , crying .   Rye comes over and tries to comfort me but it doesn't work I just keep crying.   The only thing that brings me back to my senses is a scream , a scream that is way to familiar . 

The three of us run of in the direction of the scream and find a small little girl held in a head lock by the boy from 8 , Barker . The young girl continues screaming as he suffocates her . I pull out my bow and send an arrow soaring into the boys heart and the young girl falls to the ground , trying to take in as much air as possible . The girl looks up and I am shocked , how could Snow do something like this ? is all I can think because the girl on the ground in front of me is poor , young , sweet little LILY.....

 A/N - surprise !!!   ohhh didn't guess that would happen did you??     Just a little reminder 4 people died today ; Lyra , Angus , Barker and Tillie  , sorry I forgot to put the death count in this chapter .

Ok so this chapter is a bit short but I just wanted to get it updated so vote , comment telling me how you think I did :D    should have updated by tomorrow so if not feel free to shout at me!

Emma x

A child of the star crossed lovers - After Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now