Chapter 18

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Katniss' POV - 

" Willow ?   Answer me Willow?" I sob as her eyes close . Finnick pushes me out of the way and presses his ear up to her chest . He begins performing CPR on her and I just stand sobbing because I am so scared that I will lose my daughter . Willows eyes flutter open and she gasps for a breath and I sigh in relief . She tries to sit up but Finnick tells her to rest so she does as he instructs . I check the little pocket watch that I got at the cornucopia , 11:30am , the feast starts in half an hour .  Carter says that he will stay behind and look after Willow and I see something in his eyes that makes me trust him with my daughters life 'love' 

We all trudge off towards the cornucopia where the feast will be held .  I see a long gold table laid out with some packs on it . All of the packs either have a number for the district or C meaning Capitol . The Capitol back pack is the largest by far as there is far more of us .   

I look over at Peeta and see him make the signal meaning go . I sprint forwards with the rest of my alliance , Peeta goes for our pack and the rest of us go to fight the other tributes .  

I run and collide with the girl from 4 . I pull out my bow and send an arrow into her throat causing her to choke on his blood , instantly dying .  I look down and see a small knife stuck a few inches deep into my leg so I turn around and see Kail one of the tributes from the Capitol ready to through another knife in my direction but before he can he has an arrow in his heart .  Already 3 Cannons have rang , 2 of the kills were mine and 1 was Lucius' . He killed the tribute from 11.

 I see the girl from 12 about to throw her axe into Peeta's back so I tackle her to the ground and she slashes me slightly at my neck . I wrap my arms around her neck and begin suffocating her but I am distracted by a cannon . I look to my right and see Annie Odair dead on the ground . The girl takes this as an advantage and rolls me over so that she can get away . I see Finnick standing a few yards away with his eyes red and puffy ad his face has gone blotchy .   

All of the other tributes have left so I go and hug Finnick and try to sooth him . Finnicks wife has just died , that would be like me losing Peeta .    Finnick is sobbing quietly to him self so I go and collect my arrows out of the 2 dead bodies that I killed .   

When we get back to the campsite I see that Willow is sound asleep and Carter is watching her carefully . " Hey " He smiles once he sees us all " Erm.... W-where's - m-my -mo-mom?" He stutters as a tear escapes his eye . Finnick goes over to comfort him " I'm so sorry son " He sighs " Mom didn't make it" To this even I start to cry , Annie was such a great person , friend and mother.  Willow seems to be wakening up so Carter breaks away from his dad and tries to act like nothing happened . Willow looks guilty when she sees Carter because just like me Willow blames herself for anything that happens . 

Peeta comes over to me and shows me what we got inside our packs . We got a set of body armour each and some new weapons . We each put on our armour and then when everyone else goes to sleep I am left on watch . 

I stare up at the sky and only wonder what the Capitol can find so amusing when innocent people die? 

A/N - I'm really sorry again for the short chapter but my next one should be longer because something EXTREME will be happening . I think I am going to be finished this book in a few chapters but I MIGHT make a sequel ?  Anyway poor Annie she was so innocent :(    Just a reminder since I forgot the death count 4 people died today:

Kail , Capitol

Annie , Capitol

Girl from 4

Girl from 11 

Rest In Peace!!!

VOTE AND COMMET !!!! it would mean so much to me:)

Emma :D       

P.S. I think this is he longest authors note I have ever written ? :O I'm impressed but I think it's just because I'm a bit hyper? :S    Ok I'll stop talking now , your probably sick of me lol :)

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