Chapter 3

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I sit at the table next to my twin Brother Rye and my 12 year old little sister Lily. I chose Lily's name myself and it is to represent the flower Lily. My mother and father come down the stairs hand in hand and both of them have red puffy eyes which means they have been crying again and I know exactly why, it's reaping day and this year all 3 of their children will be entered into the reaping. 

" Good morning" My mother sniffles 

" Hardly" I mummble in responce and this makes my mother burst into tears again so my father shoots me an angry glare then tells me and Rye to make the breakfast. They expect us to do everything around the house when either my father has an episode or my mother brakes into tears and this happes quite offen I mean we're only 15 and we are expected to do everything round about here?   I stomp into the kitchen and my brother trails in behind me.

" It's hard for them " My brother states and I just ignore him " All 3 of their children will be entered in the reaping this year and mom thinks the reapings are rigged"  I nod as I fell a single tear escape from my eye but quickly wipe it away. I never really thought about that after today my parents might never see one or even 2 of their children ever again. I go into my own world of thought and so does Rye but what snaps me out of my thoughts is Lily who taps me on the shoulder and asks me why I am burning eggs. After I have made breakfast we all sit down at the table( Including my mom and dad) and start eating. I feel really sorry for Lily she really is too young for the Hunger Games she only turned 12 yesterday and now today is the reapings? I eat my last ( not burned ) egg and stand up from the table as ussual I am last to finish and sprint up to my room to get changed . 

When I enter I see that Mother has laid out a plain blue dress for me and some plain black shoes. I slip into them and see that they are a little baggy but look really nice on me. I stare at myself in the mirror and see the door creek open behind me I spin around and find myself face to face with my mother.

" You look beautiful " she sighs and I smile " I wore that exact dress to the reaping of my Hunger Games" She adds and I now know why she chose it, this was the dress she wore when she go reaped for the Games and because she thinks that I will be reaped she wants me to wear the exact same dress so that everyone will know who I am an not t mess with me ( even if the dress is like 2 sizes too big) . I wrap my arms round my mom and she is a little startled I don't even know the last time I spoke to her is it wasn't a compaint or an insult never mind hugged her. After she notices what I am doing she hugs me back then kisses me on the forehead. I see a tear escape her eye and I ask her whats wrong but she just tells me not to worry and that we will be leaving in 5 minutes.

I trail out of the door behind Rye and Lily follows she looks extremely nervous so I scoop her up into my arms and kiss her gently on the forehead.

" It will be alright Lil " I reasure her and she grips me tightly until we begin the 10 minute walk to the town square. Along the way I sing to Lily as this calms her down.

" Don't you worry my child,    

I will always stay with you.

No one can harm you my sweet little child

As long as I'm here.

Even if I leave you I'll still look after you

My sweet little child.

I tear escapes my eye as I finish the first verse so I don' feel like continuing. I look over and see that my mother has buried her face into my Dad's chest and is quietly crying I feel sorry for her and apologize I did't realise she would become so upset with me singing but now that I think over the lyrics how could I be so stupid, my Mother is already scared of losing her children and I have to go and sing a song about dying?  

A child of the star crossed lovers - After Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now