Chapter 5

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" Willow wake up" My mother whispers as she shakes me awake.

" mmm? " I mumble

" You need to get up it's the first day of training" My mother tells me and then leaves the room.  I go to the closet and pick up the control panel.

" Your mentor has picked out a training outfit for you" the robotic voice tells me as some clothes come flying towards me. There is a black top with red and grey stripes down the sleeves, black trousers with red and grey stripes down the legs and black boots. I get into the training outfit then leave for breakfast.

" Oh there you are "  Octavia squeals when I come into the room. I sit at the table and help myself to : bread, eggs, bacon and an apple. 

" OK, so if you want you guys can stick together but make sure that you don't show your strengths so Willow do NOT go near a bow and Rye try not to show how strong you are. Remember go to the survival stations as well as fighting " my mother instructs and I nod.

We are one of the first districts in the training center other than the Careers and district 8. I go over and stand with Rye eyeing my opponents as they come in.

All of the tributes gather in a circle round about one of the trainers.  She tells us that we will have to participate in some activities before going off on our own and that there will be no fighting with other tributes until the arena.

The first activity we must participate in is climbing a rope and ringing the bell at the top. 

The girl from 1 , both from 2, Carter , the boy from 6 , the boy from 8 ,me and Rye are all able to make it to the top but the other tributes aren't as lucky. 

The next activity is running across platforms while trainers try to hit you off with foam poles. The only tributes able to complete this activity are both from 2, Carter  and me. 

After we have finished the activities that we are made to do me, Carter and Rye all go off to the knife station. I am alright with a knife I have a pretty good aim, hitting the bulls eye 8 out of 10 times. Carter and Rye on the other hand only hit the bulls eye once or twice . Next we move on to the spear throwing station ( Carters choice) and Carter is AMAZING with a spear, he says it's because spears are just like tridents. I'm alright with a spear but still not as good as Carter, he comes over when I am aiming and lifts up my elbow a little .

" Here try that " He says perfecting my position. I throw the spear and it hits right in the center of the target. I jump into Carters arms and lean in kissing him full on.

" Whoa you two break it up" Rye jokes and I give him a playful slap. 


I sit messing with my thumbs because I'm so nervous everyone else has left except for me and Rye. I am next to go in to show off my skills to the gamemakers.

" Willow Mellark" One of the attendants says . I stand up and walk inside the room I then tell the gamemakers my name age and district, they nod at me and tell me I may begin.

I walk over to a bow and arrow and shoot 5 dummies each one getting an arrow in their heart, throat or stomach. I then walk over to the spears and send them flying into dummies. The Gamemkers still don't look very impressed and the next thing I do I am sure it will grab attention. I walk over to the camouflage station and pick up some red paint. I walk back over to the dummies and write in big bold red writing   SNOW.

A child of the star crossed lovers - After Hunger GamesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz