Chapter 6

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I wake up for the 7th time tonight due to another nightmare and can't get back to sleep so I jump into the shower to pass some time. The hot water runs down my body and I smell the scent of food waking me from my daydream. I walk into the closet and speak clearly into the control panel.

" White T-shirt and jeans please " I say and the clothes come flying towards me, There's no point in wearing good clothes because in a matter of hours I will have to change into the arena clothes anyway. The arena ! I almost forgot that was today

I slip out of my room and down to where the smell of food is coming from. I find my mother already at the dining room with her head in her hands sobbing quietly to herself.

" You couldn't sleep either?" I ask her and she nods her head.

" My little babies" She sobs while wrapping her arms around me .

" Mom I'm not a baby any more" I laugh and she just laughs and cries at the same time resulting in the strangest noise that I have ever heard.

My father walks into the room and burst out laughing at the sight , me and my mom hugging and crying, my mom's mascara running all down her face and both of us making strange cry/laugh noises.

When Rye, Lily , Cinna , Octavia and Portia arrive everyone eats in silence not wanting to talk about what both me and Rye will have to participate in, in only a few hours.

After breakfast everyone goes to the roof and we are taken into a Capitol hovercraft. A women comes round with a needle and tells me to hold out my arm. I do as she says and I can feel a sharp pain as the needle enters under my skin.

" What is that?" I ask.

" It's your tracker for the arena " She answers as she walks over to Rye and puts the tracker into his arm. 

An hour into our journey on the hovercraft the windows go black meaning that we are near the arena and that we should be arriving soon. 

Once the hovercraft lands at where we will be lifted into the arena from I am taken to a small room with a clear glass tube in it . My mother and Cinna both walk into the room and Cinna hands me my clothes to get changed into . My mother wasn't really supposed to be allowed in the launch room but she persuaded some people to let her in with me and my dad in with Rye. 

I get changed into the clothes for the arena which consists of a plain white top, some beige trousers, breathable shoes and a light heatproof and waterproof jacket. By the clothes that I have been provided I am guessing that the arena will be warm.

A robotic voice tells me to take my place in the glass tube and I wrap my arms around my mom for possibly the last time in my life and she places a kiss on my forehead. She tries to stay strong as I enter the glass tube but I see a tear fall down her cheek. I mouth one word to my mother and that word id 'love' but I don't think she heard me . When the metal disk starts taking me upwards and my mother thinks that I can't see her anymore she sinks to the ground and starts crying, shouting abusive words at the Capitol. As soon as my mother disappears from my view an extremely warm air hits my face.

I look around the arena and see that we are surrounded by water and that there is a jungle to the east of the cornucopia . I look at all of the other tributes and most of them are looking worried, probably not able to swim. I look over at Carter and see that he is eyeing a trident and a large backpack, he looks over at me and I nod towards the cornucopia asking him if he is going in and he nods. I then look over at Rye and he is staring towards an axe so he is obviously going to go for that. I see a bow and sheath of arrows right up beside the cornucopia and a stack of knifes and decide that is what I will go for.

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