Chapter 14

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I step onto the hovercraft and stomp off to my room locking the door behind me . I flop down onto the bed as tears flow freely down my cheeks . Snow has killed so many innocent people and gotten away with it but he will not get away with killing my family. I feel a cold hand touch my shoulder and look up confused of how they got in , I was sure I locked the door . 

My vision is blurred and I can only make out a silhouette of a small man . I wipe my eyes on the sleeve of my top and then I see him , the man who killed my brother , Snow.  I jump up to my feet and grab a candle stick that still has a flame going and hold it up to defend myself. 

" Oh don't do that Willow , you wouldn't want me to kill your parents just like I killed your brother would you ? " He says taunting me and I drop the candle in fear . Snow claps his hands and a peacekeeper comes in dragging my parents who are completely covered in blood . 

The peacekeepers sit my parents down on the ground and Snow pulls a small knife out of his pocket . He injects the knife deep into my mothers arm and she screams in pain but can't fight back because her arms are tied behind her back . I scream and run to my mothers side gripping her hand tightly in mine .

" You wont get away with this Snow!" I spit at him.

" Oh but I think I already have " snow grins as he injects a needle deep into my arm.

I wake up in a small white room and instantly try to sit up . I get an inch of the bed off of the bed and then am pulled back down by some chains .  I feel really sleepy after this and doze of for a few hours. The next time that I wake up the chains have been removed and there is some water on the table beside me.  I drink all of the water and then look around the room , all there is in here is my bed and the small bedside table. 

I keep on falling asleep and each time I wake up I have more food and water . The seventh time I wake up Cinna is standing beside my bed. I embrace him in a hug and he backs away  . 

" Miss I am here to dress you for your auction " He says and I become panicked , why am I being auctioned.

" Erm.... Cinna why am I being auctioned?" I ask and he stares down at the floor.

" You belong to President Snow 0076 " He tells me.

" What are you taking about 0076 ? " I ask getting mad at snow " My name is Willow Mellark " I shout

" No miss Willow Mellark died at the bombings " He sighs and I see a single tear escape from his eye.

" NO I'M WILLOW ! " I scream at him and he holds up a mirror . I look at least 22 I have been given a whole new body . " Cinna " I say trying to work out whats happened " When I first met you I said ' I'm very sorry sir but trust is not given ..." 

" But gained " Cinna finishes for me and I smile " Oh Willow what have they done to you ?" He says squeezing my hand tightly in his. I let my tears flow down my face freely . 

" Cinna " I croak out " Where are my parents ?" I ask and he frowns , I start to get worried.

" Willow......... Snow has your parents " He sighs and I start banging my fists on the table feeling a rage power over me. 

 After Cinna has dressed me I am put into a car and driven off to where my auction will be held . I sit on a chair labelled with 0076 and weight until I am called up onto the stage . The man on the stage introduces me .

" 0076 weight 130lb great at cleaning , age 22 , lets start the biding at £10,000 ?" 

Hands go flying up in the air as people begin biding on me . How sick is that biding on people? There is only 2 people left biding on me now a young women and a man who looks to be in his mid 40s . The man makes the final bid at £20,000s .

I am driven back to somewhere in the mans car . When we get there I am amazed at how big the house is. It's then that I notice that it isn't just a house it's a mansion , Snow's mansion .

I sit in a small room as I was told to . Snow comes through the door and sits down beside me .

" Oh number 0076 , I'm so glad you have arrived " He smirks and I grunt .

" Snow " I spit , he tuts and faces me . " What do you want with me?" I ask curiously .

" I want you to know just how hard it was for me to get to where I am " He explains " and I'm keeping you here so that you can't ruin that "  I'm shocked " You will suffer along with your parents " He grins.

He turned them into avoxes? I think to myself beginning to get even more angry.   Snow claps his hands and my parents walk into the room dressed like avoxes and I feel a tear slip down my face . My mother turns and looks at me and I see pain buried deep in her eyes under a lot of anger.

" Show 0076 here to her room " Snow instructs and I follow my mother through the long corridor . As I step inside my room my mother hands me a letter and then slips back out of the door closing it quietly as she leaves .   I open up the letter and I'm disgusted , not only does Snow want to keep me here he is changing everything about me.

' Dear 0076 ,

                        As you know Willow Mellark died in the bombings of district 6 so you will need to change your name along with your appearance ( which I already took care of for you ). You are aloud to pick whatever name you wish other than Willow. If you try to do anything that I am unhappy with I will kill your family and friends , think about your mom and dad , oh and little Carter .


There is a form at the end of the letter which I must fill in with the name I would like to use . I write in the name ' Blossom-Rose Hawn ' I used the name Blossom-Rose because they are 2 of my favourite flowers and I jus picked a random surname.

Snow better watch his back because Blossom-Rose has an anger building towards him.

A/N-  ohhhh Blossom-rose , do you like it???   OK so I wanted t change the story a little bit because I felt like I was always doing the same things?   Did I do OK?


Emma :D                                                        

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