Chapter 19

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Willow's POV-

The smell of meat cooking floods through my nose and my eyes flicker open . I am guessing that it's really early in the morning because it's still dark . The only other person awake is Carter who is sitting at a small fire cooking some type of meat and crying softly.  I move over and wrap my arms around him startling him .  He looks up at me with those sea green eyes which are now red and puffy and I can't help but feel sorry for him . 

" I'm sorry" I whisper and Carter sniffles " You know , I'll always be here for you? to protect him " I say and he wipes away his tears. " You should get some sleep , I'll keep watch" .   Carter slides into the sleeping bag that I was in a few minutes ago and closes his eyes . I look at the fire that Carter made and see a piece of burned meat on the top of it , He must be really upset.

I toss the meat away into a bush and start to get something else ready for breakfast . I don't wat to hunt so I just get some crackers , bread and dried meat out of the backpacks .  After I have laid out enough food for every ones breakfast we only have 2 crackers left .    A cannon booms and I check on my allies , everyone seems fine .   A hand on my shoulder startles me but it is only my  mother , she must have woken to the cannon . 

She looks at the breakfast and reaches out to grab a slice of break but I smack her hand " Only once everyone is up" I say with a tone of anger in my voice . My mother groans and then starts shaking everyone awake , I never thought of that .  Everyone is up in a second except for Beetee . My mother shakes him again but nothing happens and a look of worry is spread across my mothers face . She presses her ear to his chest and frowns " He's gone " She sighs , only 10 of us left including 6 from our alliance.  I feel really guilty , I was on watch and I didn't even know he died.

" But how? nobody even came anywhere near us?" I ask really confused .

" He froze " my mother answers almost immediately . Now that I think about it , it's really cold and Beetee wasn't in a sleeping bag last night . 

We all sit down to breakfast and eat silently while thinking .  I eat all of my food within minutes and my stomach grumbles for more .  I cut some bark off of a tree and chew on that while waiting on everyone else which only results in me getting splinters on my tongue .  

" What are we going to do today ?" I mummble trying to pull a splinter out of my tongue .

" We need to hunt some more tributes " Carter responds " But we need a plan"    What does he mean a plan?  a plan on how to kill people let me think , pull out a knife and stab them?   

" We could set the trees on fire and hide inside the golden horn since it's fire proof?" My father says and everyone stares at him like he's crazy " Trust me , I was cooking one time when you were all away then I went inside it to see what was there and when I came back out everything was on fire apart from it " . We all nod in agreement and my father starts drawing things on the ground with a stick .  

I trudge off to where I was instructed to go with Carter ... To the edge of the forest .   I pull the matches out of my back pack and swipe one of them on the box. A flame flickers and I tell Carter to run , I throw the match into the trees and watch as they go up in flames.  I turn on my heels and run back in the direction of the cornucopia .   I see Carter a little bit behind me and wonder when I over took him?    I keep on running ...... LEFT , RIGHT , LEFT , RIGHT , LEFT , RIGHT.  Something doesn't feel right .  I look behind me and can't see Carter anywhere but the fire is spreaing fast .

I run back the way that I just came from feelig the heat on my body . I see Carters body lying on the ground with burn marks all over it , but no cannon has rung . I throw Carter's heavy body over my shoulder and begin running again .  I trip over a tree stump and go tumbling along the floor , still holding onto Carter .   I get back up and feel a stinging feeling on the backs of my legs . I take off at a sprint and get to the cornucopia .  

I crawl inside the golden horn and see everyone else already there waiting on me. I sit down Carter and gasp for air ......... " He .... got ....... caught .... " I say while breathing heavily .   My mother and Finnick get to work on Carter while me , my father and Lucius watch the trees go up in flames .  I have already heard 4 cannons which means 4 people are still alive out there .   A tribute comes running out of the trees choking and screeming so I take out my bow.

" NO, please don't shoot ?" She coughs and I feel sorry for her.

" I'm sorry but it's kill or be killed" I say aiming my arrow at her heart.

" STOP " The voice of the head gamemaker rings through the arena " We will have to stop the games immedietly , stand by for pick up "   I am shocked , never in all 100 years of the games have they been stopped!!!    The trees which werer on fire seconds ago are now fireless so we all go out into the open and stand . 

The hovercraft freezes me into place with Carter behind me and begins lifting me up .  When I get into the hovercraft a lady injects me with a needle and everything around me goes black.

I wake up and Cinna is standing at my bedside with a huge smile spread across his face and I raise an eyebrow at him.  " Cinna .... what have you done?" I ask sarcasticly and Cinna puts on a fake frown .   

" Nothing but ......... read this " He says handing me a letter and walking back out of the door.

' Miss Mellark,

                           I am pleased to inform you that President Snow has been killed due to the crimes that he has commited.  It seems that the Capitol and districts have taken a liking to you and we would like you to be the new president , taking Snow's place.  

Let us know as soon as possible

Lethard Divene , head gamemaker . '  

 My mouth drops wide open and I stare at the letter for about 20 minutes before the door creeks open . My mother comes into the room and she smiles

" Oh Willow , your back " what is she taking about?   My mother ust have seen the confusin on my face because she explains it to me. " They've give you your name and body back " She says grinning and I look in a small mirror . I see my body , the body of a 14 year old girl , the body of a future president , the body of Willow Mellark. 

I show my mother the letter and she has the same reaction that I had . " Wow my daughter , President huh?" She says nudging my arm and I smile.  " Yup thats me President Mellark "


I step onto the stage after Lethard has finnished his speech and the crowd goes insane . " Citiznes of the districts , I know that most of you have been starving your full life and worrying about having to go into the games . Not now , there will be no more Hunger Games and I will make sure that every singal one of you is well fed and well looked after . The Capitol will no longer be any better than the rest of us , Panem will be equal ! " I say raising my voice and looking over at my mother seeing a smile spread across her face ." I president Mellark will make Panem a better place and best of all I will make Panem a safe place" ..........................

A/N - Dun dun dun!!!  cliff hanger . Did you guys like the EXTREME thing? Snow died yey!  I know I said this chapter would be longer but don't kill me I will do another chapter which will be an epilogue . I need to know before I write it though DO YOU GUYS WANT A SEQUEL? cause if you do then I have a little surprise O.O

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Emma :D xxx

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