Chapter 9

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A/N - OK please listen to the music at the side of the page ---- >

It is the song that Willow sings a little bit later on in this chapter. 


Oh this is in Willow's POV now OK so it is not Lily!!!!

" L-Li--lily?" I stutter and run to her side. I cradle her face in my hands and look for any signs of her being hurt.

" Hi Willow " She sighs as tears flow freely down her cheeks .  We sit like this for around 20 minutes before Lily falls asleep in my arms. I take first watch because I can't sleep knowing that Lily might be unsafe . 

After 3 hours of constantly checking for any signs of danger my eyelids feel really heavy so I wake up Carter ad he takes the next watch. I crawl into the sleeping bag and instantly the world around me falls silent and goes completely black.

Lucius runs up to us and swings and axe at my head but Lily jumps in in front of me getting the axe in her chest.  She collapses on the ground and I rush to her side.

" Please don't leave me " I cry as she writes something on my hand in her blood '' win for me '  

'The person that I love most lies dying at my feet and I can't do anything to help there is only one word I can say " love " until she slowly fades away '   Her eyes roll back and her body goes limp and I fall onto my knees and begin screaming at the sky knowing that Snow will be watching.

" Willow wake up " Carter screams and I instantly jump to my feet . When I take in my surroundings I see that the arena is flooding quickly. I swim over to the rest of the alliance with my back pack , knifes and sleeping bag in my arms. 

" Are you OK?" I ask Lily and she nods. luckily my mother taught all 3 of us to swim in case this happened . I hear a Cannon somewhere in the distance and then see a hovercraft up above carrying the tiny girl from 6, Kiva away.  We all continue swimming until the water finally goes down and then we take a rest. I lie on the ground and feel an instant pain in my chest . I have shot by an arrow from above.

" AHHH!" I grunt an everyone comes running to my side.

" Are you alright?" Carter asks beginning to get worried so I nod because I don't want him to think that I am badly injured when on the inside my chest is burning.  I hear a noise in the bushes and stand up causing even more pain in my chest. I look around frantically and see what looks like zombies come into the clearing. 

The zombies circle around us trapping us all. I take out my knifes and start flinging them into the zombies hearts. As soon as one zombie is dead another one is dropped from the sky to take it's place. The zombies begin getting closer to us and there is no way to defeat them . I close my eyes and prepare to die but the zombies don't come . I open my eyes and the zombies have disappeared , I then look over to Rye and see him crouched on the ground gripping his stomach.

" What happened?" I ask as I rush over to him.

" They- bit - ahh - me" Rye stutters because it is hard for him to speak.

" The zombie's bite is poisonous and Rye has been bitten , he could die " Rye sighs and I feel like the whole world around me has just collapsed, my own brother could die. 

I rush over to Rye's side and hold his hand tightly. 

" The only way to save him is by getting a sponsor gift containing the right medicine " Carter tells me and I suddenly have a good idea.

If I can only get the Capitol's attention.

" Tell me what can stop this river of tears,

It's been building up for years, 

for this moment now."  I sing as a few tears escape my eyes but I have to carry on.

"Here I stand,

arms open wide,

I've held you close,

Kept you safe ,

Till you can fly." As I finish this verse the tears start flowing freely down my face and the words become muffled but I still carry on.

"Tell me when the road ahead is going to bend,

and how to harness up the wind,

And how to say goodbye" I can't carry on any more as the lyrics are making me cry even more I look around and see that Carter and Lily are both crying as well . I run over to them and grip them tightly i my arms and a silver parachute lands on the ground behind me.  

I open the container that was inside the parachute and find a white cream that I guess must be for Rye. I take the cream over to him and pull of his shirt seeing the bite foaming , which obviously means it's infected.

I aply the cream to his bite and he grunts in pain but after a few moments sighs in relief as the cream starts working.

I stare up at the sky for a moment." Thank you so much"  say hoping that they heard.

I lie down when I am satisfied that Rye is alright and my stomach grumbles it is then that I realise I havn't had anything to eat all day. I pull some dry beaf sticks out of my back pack and offer everyone else some but they say they aren't hungry , so I eat 3 of the meat strips then put the rest away.  

I lie back down and stare at the sky when the death count appears. The only person who's picture appears in the sky is Kiva's from district 6. She looks so beautiful in her picture with her golden hair standing out against her vibrant blue eyes.  

I can feel my eye lids becoming heavy but I am on watch so I try to amuse myself . I get some seaweed that Carter had found earlier and tie some knots in it until my fingers begin to bleed. I wake up Lily and tell her that it is her turn to take watch and she lets me fall asleep.

I have survived yet another day in these wretched Hunger Games.....                    

A/N - OK I'm soooooo sorry again this was such a short chapter :( I just felt like I was trailing on to much ??? 

Anyway  vote and comment telling me how you think I did ??!! :D

Oh and for the next chapter tell me would you rather have another zombie invasion or something else?

help me out here! come up with your own ideas I will try o put them in my story ?   :D                         


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