Chapter 13

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A/N - Do you guys think I should make a different cover or do you think this one is OK?

My whole world has been shattered into tiny pieces and it is impossible to put it back together. One word to describe how I feel , Isolated .

Every day my mother , father and Carter come to help me eat , dress and they take care of me . I have gone into some sort of state that the doctor describes as unable to talk because of how depressed I am since he Rye died. My mom and dad got over his death really quickly , too quickly . I can't forgive them for that , for forgetting all about my caring and loving brother. My mom says that it'sbecause she still has to take care of 2 of her children and she has to keep in charge of this mission but I think it's because she doesn't love any of her children like other mothers love their children .

 Carter comes in and sits on the bed with me stroking my hair while I listen to his steady heart beat. He smiles and watches me closely .

" I miss him Carter " I sigh and he looks so shocked , I haven't spoken in a month.

" I know but he's in a better place now " Carter tells me , this is what everyone has been telling me to make me feel better .  Carter gets up and brings me some bread which I nibble at slowly . I wont eat anything else so I have stuck to bread for a month , since Rye died.

My mother has been refusing to let me go on any missions at all she said it's to big a risk , I don't know if that means she thinks I will commit suicide or something or wither she truly cares about me.  While everyone else goes on missions it is Haymitch who takes care of me which is OK I suppose because he stopped drinking but he falls asleep a lot after all he is 62 .  I have been painting a lot lately , something my father taught me to do when I feel lonely or upset I can express my feelings in my art but right now all I paint is me killing Snow.

Another month later!

We run into the justice building of district 2 with our weapons that Beetee designed . I have a bow the same as my mothers with 3 types of arrows 1 is a fire arrow , 1 is explosive and the other is just a normal arrow. I see a peacekeeper so I pull out one of my normal arrows and send it soaring into his heart . He falls to the ground and we sprint into the room he was guarding . I find a pile of letters and forms and start looking through them all when I find one that makes me freeze.

' Culious ,
                 Send out your all of your best men to district 13 where they will be trained in fighting for the rebellion.  I am still on the look for all of the rebels and when I get them I have a special surprise called the Hunger Games .
I'll tel you more on Saturday Snow. '

I stand there with my mouth hanging wide open , he can't do this once you have been into the Hunger Games you never have to go in again . I turn around and find a peacekeeper coming towards me . I pull out my arrow and kill him instantly .

My mother just looks at me like I'm crazy and then I hand her the letter. I see her eyes open wider in fear as she reads it  she knows that if we are sent back into the Hunger Games then only 1 person from our family will make it out alive or maybe none of us. 

We get into the hovercraft to go back to disrict 6, that is where we are staying just now because they are transportation they have lots of hovercrafts and trains. 

Now we will either have to kill president Snow or go back into the Hunger Games , either way someone will get killed.

A/N - I'm sooooooo sorry about this because it's really short , I just wanted to update and I felt like I was trailing on. Oh no they might have to go back into the games ???

VOTE and COMMENT tell me how I did !!  :D 

Emma xxx


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