Chapter 15

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I sit with my mother , father and Carter around the small T.V. in my room waiting for the announcement by president Snow to be made about this years games.

Snow comes onto the screen and begins a long speech that I don't listen to at all . I see a young boy walk over to Snow carrying alarge box with lots of letters inside labeled 25 , 50 , 75 , 100 ........... Snow dips his hand into the box and pulls out the one labeled 100 . He opens the letter and begins to read it. 

" As a reminder that no one can defeat me on the 100th annual Hunger Games there will be 24 tributes 12 of which reaped from the capitol and the other 12 from the districts meaning that there will only be one tribute from each district competing in the games. Also there will be no age limit on this year games so Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour" I sit in shock and fear , my whole family lives in the Capitol right now and knowing Snow the odds most definitely wont be in my favour.

I turn my head and see that my mother looks furious , like she might actually kill someone . " Mom...... You know we still have a chance you know? " I say trying to reassure her and she shakes her head and then buries her head deep in her hands.

" No it's not Blossom , do you honestly think that snow would just let us away that easily ?" She ask and I sigh . I really didn't think of it that way.

" But whatever happens , we're still a family " My dad says and I can feel myself tearing up. My mom and dad leave the room silently and I move over closer to Carter . I'm so glad that Snow gave them all there speech back because I was going mental without them talking . Snow had to give them their speech back because I told him that I would kill myself if he didn't .

" What if we all have to go into the games? " I ask Carter and he looks at me .

" Well you will be the one to come out Blossom" He says emphasizing Blossom.

" Don't call me that " I groan and he laughs , he loves to wind me up. I slip into bed and think about the danger that awaits me.

1 month later -

We all stand at the president mansion where the reaping will be held and wait for the Capitol escort, Nelle , to come on stage . She comes hopping on and the crowd becomes silent .

" The first tribute will be... " She exclaims dipping her hand into the reaping bowl " Kail Hame " A man who must be atleast 40 walks onto the stage looking extremely happy and I am discusted , how could anyone be happy going into the games?

I stand on the stage and listen to Nelle announcing who we are again. " The Capitol tributes - 

Kail Hame  

Haymitch Abernathy 

Finnick Odair 

Stume Gareth 

Annie Odair 

Peeta Mellark 

Wiress Demith 

Beetee Demith 

Blossom-Rose Hawn ( Willow Mellark ) 

Carter Odair 

Katniss Mellark and 

Lucius Ferrel. 

May the odds be ever in your favour " She squeeks and we are led away to the train as we aren't allowed any visitors.

On the train we all sit together ( apart from Kail and Stume ) and chat about tacticts . We decide that we will all stick together and that way we will be stronger . We might be the biggest alliance ever with 10 people in it .

When we get to the remake center ( which was only 10 minutes away on the train ) I am ushered of to see Cinna and what he wants me to where . As we are from the Capitol we get to wear big fancy clothes , I'm in a bright pink frilly dress that makes me look really beautiful . We are the first to leave and the crowd goes mental I see myself on the giant TV screen and I look beautiful with the lights bouncing off my glowing dress. This year there is a district that looks better than district 1 which I luxuries .

I walk into the training centre and go over to the knife throwing station . I pick up a knife with a black handle and flick it towards the dummy at the other end of the room . It lands dead in the dummy's heart and I smile . Everyone in the alliance congratulates me and then we move on to a different station . We go to the hand to hand combat next , lucius' choice . We all go with a partner , me with Carter , and try to wrestle the other person to the ground . I get Carter down onto the ground and I lie on top of him , he rolls me over and wins so I grunt. All of the days go by like this just breathing , sleeping , eating and training and before I know it it's the morning of the games .

I stand in the launch room with Cinna and go over what I'm doing when I get into the arena . Our alliance is going to act as the career alliance and camp out at the cornucopia . A robotic voice comes over the speakers telling me to get into the glass tube . I step in and face Cinna to see him tearing up so I give him a sad smile as the plate starts rising.

I feel a cold breeze hit my face and I look around to take in my surroundings . We are in an icy arena this year which means it should be quite easy to find water. I look for my allies and see that they are all staring towards their weapon of choice , I look and spot a pile of knives inside the mouth of the cornucopia. The countdown is getting lower and I get into a ready position.











BOOM! The cannon rings and I sprint of my plate .

A/N - ohhhh , they have to go back into the games ! What do you guys think? Did I do ok?  



Emma :D xxx

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