Chapter One

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I started writing the plan for this story well over a year ago when I went on a week holiday with my family up to Cumbria. It's a beautiful place, so beautiful that it inspired me to write Whatever Floats Your Boat. If you ever visit the UK, especially if you're up North I would suggest going.

I wasn't able to write this story last year, so when my dear chum NerdyBirdie insisted I write July's Camp NanoWriMo I took on the challenge. So, I dedicate this to her because I'm giving her the daunting task of editing WEFYB. And what ever you say, you are an amazing eggitor,,,man.

I also dedicate this to my fish, Finnegan. Yes, you may think I'm going all Miley Cyrus, Bottom of the Ocean, but I've had him for two years and it's sad to say that I've come home to find him gone :(

So, on that cheery note you can just take a glance over the Copyright and then start reading...

Copyright © Georgie E. - Fruitea on Wattpad

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.


Chapter 1

Squinting out, I could just about make out the blue paint work of The Little Pizzi against the sunlight reflecting off the mass of water.

Good, he's out.

Just like every Sunday afternoon I walked down the dock, my rubber socks squeaking on the wet boards. I slipped through the railings that guided tourists to the end and hooking my fingers on the splintered boards of the yacht I pulled myself up.

"You could at least be a little bit more subtle about it, Lou." I looked up and smirked at Rydal, who was leaning against the railings across from me.

"What would be the fun in that?"

"Seriously," he frowned. "There was a complaint about you sent in last week. The attendant allowed a girl on board without pay, the girl then went on to cause havoc jumping off the boat."

I scoffed; "People need to liven up."

"Whatever. Just give me the pound." I fished the coin from my pocket and rolled it across the boards, it landing with a low thump by his feet. "Thanks Lou, really appreciate all the effort you put into that."

"I only have enough energy to put effort into one of the Pizzi brothers. You missed out on this." I waved my hand down my body.

He rolled his eyes. "I don't go for pubescent water freaks. Now, shut up; I'm letting the townies on so you better behave. Not one rude word; got it?" I nodded and watched as he picked up the wire barrier and allowed the money-makers on.

There weren't many today, it was the usual early April crowd; sparse and filled with tourists from other parts of the world that didn't even comprehend the changing winds.

They shuffled on, anoraks and thick trousers and sat with large distances from the next crowd. Mums huddled around their children, trying to keep them from the chill. It was a useless task; it only gets colder the further into the lake you go. Men looked around with impassive looks, trying to see what angle would best be taken for a postcard. It was the same-old.

Rydal walked back over after securing the wire line. He shuffled the notes into a neat stack before handing them to me. "Will you put them in the safe?" I did as I was told, the reason I had such a cheap fee was because of the extra help I gave Rydal.

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