Chapter Fifteen

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Copyright © Georgie E. - Fruitea on Wattpad  

Chapter 15

The way I woke up was something like an idealist's fantasy.

Rays of light shone through the thin curtains, making my eyes narrow against the assault. Birds chirped, moving in the sky and creating shadows in the rays – the only relapse in the brightness. And like in any lazy-French-Sunday, there was the smell of fresh brewing coffee and a man, half-naked, smiling down on me as he placed a tea bag into a chipped mug.

It was absolute perfection.

"Oh, Jesus wept," I groan as I roll over again. I needed to go back to sleep, away from the realisation that I had made Kendal Yates out to be some kind of Adonis.

He laughed behind me, the bed dipped. "Want a hangover cure?"

The strong stench off coffee filled my nostrils and with another moan I threw the sheets over my head. "Go away, Kendal." My upset was less to do with my banging head and to do with my banging thoughts.

"Oh, come on!" He laughed, pulling at the covers. My grip tightened on the sheets. He laughed and repeated himself. I hid further underneath. He joined me, the sheets plumed high around me and then he was right there, smiling as he pulled closer.

"Go away, Kendal," I laughed. His hands found my waist, pulling me even closer. "Go away," I whined. My protest was all lost in my laughter as he kicked the sheets up again, the space above me resembling the games with the parachute as a child. I used to play parachutes with him.

"You should have some coffee, you know." I shook my head, the inside of my brain rattling in doing so. "It'll make you feel better," he sang.

"Why aren't you hungover, you had as much as I did?"

"I have a high tolerance." He smirked at my scowl. Reaching forward he brushed his thumb over my lip. "You on the other hand..."


"Yeah," he laughed and pulled away. "So, what do you want for breakfast? I have Wheatabix and Cheerios."

"Wheatabix," I told. He pulled himself up, walking over to the kitchen counter. "What's happening now... about last night?"

Kendal looked over his shoulder at me. "I thought maybe you'd drawn a blank on last night," he smirked. I scoffed at him and turning back to the task at hand he continued; "Tahoe's leaving for the station in ten minutes. He needs to make a statement about last night."

"And what's he saying?" My voice had gone small, I curled into the sheets.

"That he was out with the four of us," Kendal started. "We surprised you when you got home from work, you got changed and then we went down to the docks, took the boats out; we were here all night." I nodded; "We messed about, swimming from one boat to the other and all that." Kendal shrugged. "It was a great night."

"It's a good lie." My words came out hollow and made Kendal freeze.

"Lou..." he started. "You have to see that if we're there they can say stuff about us. Beck could say we provoked them... that we caused the damage and then took off."

"But there's nothing to say that we weren't at the party. There would have been photos with us in the background. Don't think Beck would have thought of this."

"There's nothing to say he has."

"Kendal, he's smarter than this."

"Lou..." He came forward and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Don't worry about it."

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