Chapter Five

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Copyright © Georgie E. - Fruitea on Wattpad  

Chapter 5

"I don't see why we have to go out on the water?" I huffed as I dropped from the dock and onto the deck. The boat swayed, making Kendal look up finally to growl at me.

"Do you really want one of your friends to listen into what we're planning?"

"Paranoid much," I mused as I leaned against the railings. Unlike Beck's boat, which had been tired and stressed with going through three generations without a new paint job, Kendal's boat shined like it was new. The railings glistened in the early morning sun; the deck was glossy with varnish. "It's not like we're planning his murder or anything."

That brought a snort out of Kendal. He cranked on a handle, raising the sail. "You should bring out your psychotic side more often; it's endearing." I laughed and watched him as he moved from one part of the boat to the other. "The kettle's hot inside, you can make yourself a drink if you want."

"That's hospitable of you." I started towards the cabin, climbing over complicated equipment I had never been bothered to learn about. "You could raise the hospitality levels by making the drinks," I teased.

"I'm not your boyfriend, remember?"

"I thought that was the plan?"

We shared a smile; twinkly eyes and dimpled cheeks. I turned, making my way into the bed of the boat. Just like before the bed was unmade; indie print cushions strewed all over, tattered woollen blankets pushed to one side and mandala detailed sheets wrinkled. Coffee was strong in the air, making my nose buzz and giving me energy without a swig.

Footsteps behind told me Kendal was descending. I moved to the hob, where an old kettle sat. A mug was already waiting on the other hob, steam pooling the rim. Looking in it was just how I liked it; milky.

"What was that about my hospitality?" Kendal came to my side and grinned.

I licked my lips and smiled. Not knowing what to say I sipped at the tea, leaning my back against the cooker. The heat rose through my thin shirt and soothed my aching muscles; last night had been a hard practice. "You stayed here last night?" My eyes analysed the unmade bed.

He shrugged, sipping at his own coffee. "Sometimes you want to be on my own. Having a sail-addicted family has its perks, one being you have a home away from home."

"Do you do this a lot?" He shrugged again. "Don't let the other team know about that," I gave him a grin. "They'll use it against you." I took another sip and moved towards the bed, sitting in the corner where the cushions were piled high.

"You won't tell," Kendal said, taking a seat next to me. "You need me too much."

"In a plan I know nothing about!" I nestled further in. "But I feel like I've already said that."

Kendal sighed; "Girls aren't all this impatient, are they?" I laughed and shook my head; not in response but in shock. He moved closer to me, leaning into my shoulder. "Today, I want to know about you, Lou. We can talk about the plan later."

"If you're learning about me, do I get to find out about you?"

He grinned. "Of course."

"Okay," I sighed and drained my tea.

He laughed; "Woah, calm down, Lou. No need to go at it hard." I scoffed and pushed him away. He smirked against the rim of his coffee, taking a sip. "I didn't know there was something deep and horrifying about Louisa Douglas; I can get the harder stuff out if you want."

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