Chapter Eleven

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Word of warning, this is a filler chapter - I know, they've got to happen sometimes. Also, school work is referred to later in the chapter, I only know about this assignment because my friend roped me into finding stuff out about a speedometer two years ago. It's not a really important aspect to this chapter but thought you should know to clear up any confusions. Hope you're having a lovely day x

Copyright © Georgie E. - Fruitea on Wattpad 

Chapter 11

I was fuming and I was aching. Those two shouldn't go together – ever.

I just – how could he be so... you know?

His words, his swinging arms and speeding lips rampaged my brain as I walked up the slope. I should have stopped at home, dried and changed and got warm. But here I was, water dripping from my hair and into the collar of Kendal's shirts.

Why I was walking towards his house, I had no clue. But I wanted to see him and talk my anger away. He might be tactless and unhelpful, but for some reason I wanted that now; I'll either blow up or roll over laughing. Maybe it was to spite Beck, but I wanted to see Kendal.

I never expected, me being the rude teenager I am, that as I brush past and bump into tourist after tourist that one would reach out to stop me. I expected shouts, but not hands on my shoulders. I looked up at the chest I'd bumped into, okay maybe I was pushing my luck, and sighed when I saw Tahoe in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I chirped, trying to hide the anger that had just been in my eyes.

He laughed nervously, I wasn't fooling anyone. "I was told to come out and stop you before you pushed a tourist in front of a bus." I choked a laughing, sending apologetic looks when the money-makers looked our way.

"Yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck. "My bad."

Tahoe's laugh was loud and dark as cocoa as he threw his head back. "Come on," he grinned, "You need some caffeine, you look wiped out." I went to protest but he cut in; "You look totally wiped out, just come from practice?"

I shrugged and sighed. "Yeah."

"But that's not what has you in the mood for mass homicide?" I opened my mouth to ask how, but again he interrupted; "I saw Beck walking down, could only think he was going down to the water. And now you're walking towards Kendal's, dripping wet with a look of hell in your eyes. I can do the maths. So, tea or coffee?"

I looked up, seeing we were in front of a café, one that had the same emblem on the door as the one on Tahoe's t-shirt.

"Tea would be great," I said as thanks. Tahoe swept his arm out, pushing the glass door open and giving me access to the wooden flooring.

"Kendal did say you hated coffee," he said with a click of his fingers as he walked around the counter.

"He talked about me?" My brows furrowed as I played with the packets of sugar sitting on the counter, arranging them so the bold print faced forwards.

"Well, duh, you're his girlfriend."

"Yeah, but..." But it's pretend. "How much is it, Tay?"

Tahoe laughed, shaking his head. "It's on the house."

I narrowed my eyes. "Really, don't you have to be the manager to make that call? And with your manager watching, risky business you got going on here, Tay." My eyes flashed from Tahoe to just over his head, so many times that I was becoming dizzy with the action.

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