Chapter Two

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Hey, sorry about the late update. I was online today and thinking about updating, then saw I hadn't written in TWO MONTHS and it made my decision clear - haha! I've been busy with starting at university and adjusting to the south that yeah... I haven't had time...

Hope you enjoy this new update, have a great day Lovelies xx

Copyright © Georgie E. - Fruitea on Wattpad  

Chapter 2

My favourite times of the year are the days that give you just a taste of summer. When the temperature rises just into the double digits and you gasp at a cloudless sky. The days just before the campervans and trailers roll into the car parks.

When the heat waves come, those are the worst days and it's sad because my favourite days are quickly marred by the worst. I loved the heat, the way it baked my skin and made it hot to the touch. I loved how sun burns made all memories bittersweet – because you can't have too much of a good thing. What I hated was when the heat came so did the tourists.

I hated how you had to dance up the streets, slipping between ambling couples. I hated how you had to answer the same statement all the time; yes, I am very lucky to live in such a beautiful place. I hated how they swarmed to the lake and made it inaccessible when I needed the water most.

But there was one person who hated the summer, and the tourists, more than me. And that was Nikita.

"I swear to God, if I get one more question about getting a selfie with a black albino I'm out for blood," Keet snapped as she pushed herself up onto the metal work station.

For a Friday night it was pretty dead in Wine Down. The usual Friday crowd were at a conference in London, apparently, and there hadn't been the usual horde of smug tourists equipped with bum bags and camouflage shorts. Peeking through the glass, Tristan was serving the only customers to have walked in since my shift had started.

Because of this Geoff had put me on the most dreaded of tasks; veg prepping. Why was it that I got the most time-consuming, mind-numbing tasks out of the three of us?

"Which one?" I asked as Tristan walked into the kitchen with a smirk on his face. I had my bets on the teenager clicking away on the newest Apple phone. Tristan eyed Keet with amusement as he stabbed the order onto the pin. Geoff jumped to making the order; it was probably the first order since lunch.

Tristan laughed and leaned the other side of me. "Mate, I thought you were going to spit bullets."

"I will if I get it once more."

"Oh my gosh!" Tristan exclaimed in falsetto, "A black albino, how exotic!" I sniggered and shook my head, hair slipping out of the net and into my eyes. Tristan didn't wait a heartbeat before he was tucking my locks back under the net.

"What would they do if they found out your albino genes comes from Superdrug?"

Tristan's eyes glowed at my comment, eyes locked on Keet's reaction.

Her eyes narrowed, her look anything but threatening with the false lashes and girly flicks. She wanted to be Beyoncé – which girl didn't? – but as much as Beyoncé was, Keet wasn't Sasha Fierce.

"Shut up."

"What?" Tristan whined going back to his arms crossed across the broad expanse of his chest. "You aren't trying to pull off the 'Oh, this is natural' thing, are you?" His nose crinkled, either in distaste or confusion.

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