The Party

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~.Johns POV.~

      "All the invitations were sent out weeks ago and I've only gotten 1237 RSVPs! Ugh this is so frustrating! What will the committee think of me if I don't have at least 2000! Any number in the 1000s or lower won't be enough to fill the whole ballroom and there will be gaps of space between guests! Obvious gaps of space that will allow guests enough room for clumsiness!" I whined to my sister Jade. She never really takes me seriously even when I'm really freaking out! She finally looked up from her phone and responded with "John shut up. I took care of it already. I talked with Dad and got him to invite a few guests that'll attract a lot more attention To our list." I looked at her quizzically. "Who could you possibly of invited to make this party more interesting?! I already invited the Lalondes, the Crockers, and Mr.English! Tell me I have to know!" Jade just smirked and looked back towards the phone in her lap. "Why don't you check the list yourself? Hmmmmm?" "Fine." I huffed. 

      My curiosity was over flowing with wonder as I pulled up our newly formed list. It seems that a lot more guests were added on in the last few minutes, but I knew that there would only be one name to attract that tsunami of bedfellows. I scanned the computer through my thick glasses and found an interesting name on the screen. Strider. I certainly do know the Striders. Their empire is quite a...distasteful one.

-*Daves POV*- 

      I slipped my headphones off as I saw my bro jump up towards me. He looked slightly excited about something, well I mean compared to his normal frowning lips.  "Well Dirk? Spit it out. What makes you so excited to where you actually want to talk to me?" I said. I was a little ticked off because he's been ignoring me for a couple of days because I ate the last bag of Doritos...and destroyed his rainbow dash poster....and broke his rap bot thing. "Dave. I want you to take me seriously for a moment" he spoke. "The Egbert-Harley family just invited us to their yearly ball." I nearly dropped my phone at his words. "Oh my god. The family with those hot twins right?" "Yeah." He continues. "And maybe if you behave properly we could get the girl to sign with us?" I nodded my head. "That would make good publicity if we got a girl with beauty AND brains in our magazines." Bro sighed and said "Glad you get the picture. Wake up early tomorrow. I have appointments for your hair." 

      The older Strider left the room leaving me with my own thoughts. I sighed and began my funky think train. Man, it ain't easy being the cover model for obscene magazines. Girls AND boys are always on top of me just trying to get a picture. But it's not a bad thing I guess. I mean I can have a pretty good pick for who I want to date at any point in time. Plus I have more talents than just being the hottest man alive. I'm also a rapper and DJ along with my bro. Together with our ravishing  porn dolls and sick fires we rule the entertainment business. And I couldn't ask for anything more. But for now I should probably get some rest. After all, I need to sweep another girl off her feet tomorrow night, and I'll need my beauty sleep.

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