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~.Johns POV.~

      The rest of my track suit was finally on as I made my way outside in the blazing Texas heat. I felt gross and violated as I glanced towards Dave. His face was all red and he didn't look me in the eyes. He's probably embarrassed that he walked in on me. Hpmh. Serves him right. I hope he feels guilty about making me uncomfortable.  We began walking towards the housing wing of their yard. The office building was a few football fields away.  No one spoke as we opened the door and made our way down the many halls. After we turned about ten corners Dave pointed to two doors. "Jade," he said "this will be your room. Right next to mine." He opened the door to reveal a full white room with a lime green chandelier. Columns lined the sides and a queen sized bed was laid in the middle of the room with lime green bed sheets. She had her own bathroom and a giant dresser and mirror. You know. The usual stuff you'd find in a rich guys house. "Take a look around. I'll be back later so we can sign some papers. Yknow legal shit and all." Dave said as he took me out of the room. 

      We shut the door behind us and got ready to open my room for the week. It was right across from Dave and Jades rooms so convenience was nice. When the door was opened it was almost identical to Jades room except the lime green was replaced with red. Reds an interesting color I guess? I sat down on the bed and began thinking before I realized Dave was still in the room. "Were you going to say something else Dave?" I asked. He jumped as I spoke like he was lost in thought before responding with "yeah, actually." He came over and sat on the bed with me and then spoke. "I just wanted to say sorry for opening the bathroom door when you were in your tighty whiteys." I smiled a bit and said "Yeah dude it's whatever. And by the way I haven't worn 'tighty whiteys'," I air quoted. "Since I was nine." Dave seemed a bit relieved after I replied. His frown went away after that and switched into his famous stoic expression. "Thanks for accepting my mistake Egbitch!" He exclaimed. He got up and rubbed his hand down my neck before walking towards the door. Before closing it he said "Hasta la vista."

      I shivered after he left from the cold touch of his hand to my skin. That's a kind of weird thank you, but I guess I shouldn't dwell on it. Maybe it's just another Texan custom. Or maybe Dave liked the way I looked without clothes. JOHN STOP DWELLING!

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