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~.Johns POV.~

      Dad finally picked up a microphone and announced our special guests one by one as they stepped on their designated podiums. "Our first special guest is Mr. English!" Cheers erupted in the audience. "Next we have Ms. Rose and Ms. Roxy Lalonde!" Again, the other guests aplauded politely in their direction. "Can we get another round of applause for Dirk and Dave Strider!" I think everyone cheered so loud my ears blew off. I heard one girl yell "MARRY ME DAVE!" And try to touch him. That's kind of disturbing.  "And last but not least!" Here we go. "The heiress to the Betty Crocker fortune, daughter of the most envied female baker, our friendly rival, our-" "DAD JUST FINISH ALREADY!" I shouted. He quickly scowled at me then finished his scentence "Jane Crocker!" Eh. The cheer for her was the second loudest, but honestly I don't think anyone could've beat the Striders at that game. Dad went on for a minute more about stuff like how proud he was that Jade and I are so grown up and how great of a party we're gonna throw and blah blah blah. He finally shut his stupid mouth and sent everyone out to dance and mingle.

      Of course almost immediately Jade pats my shoulder, giggles, and runs off towards Dave. I sigh and turn to Dad. He gives me a concerned look and then points over to Rose Lalonde. "She seems pretty elegant right?" He asks. I nod and mutter "yeah...sure Dad" and then walk off towards the girl. She actually is really pretty with her porcelain skin, but for some reason I just can't seem to take my eyes off of Jade and Dave laughing in the corner. "Hello? John? Is everything alright?" I hear Roses concern in her question. "Yeah. I'm...uh..fine it's just...never mind." I whisper. She looks at me and shakes her head teasingly "John you must think I'm an idiot. You seem to have misplaced the memory in which you know that I am a certified therapist. I know it is not 'just fine'. Please confide in me." I almost slapped myself in the face. Oh my god John how could you not have remembered that she's a therapist? I obviously needed to answer now because she'll probably pester me all night if I don't.  "I just don't like the look of Jade and Daves conversation over there. I guess I'm just kind of uncomfortable." She nodded and said " I see that you do not like the fact that one day they may be in a relationship. I am feeling particularly kind tonight so I am willing to break them apart in a couples dance." John shivered at the thought of having to dance with his sister, but then quickly agreed. John led Rose to the dance floor and began waltzing his way towards Dave and Jade. He listened in on their conversation while waiting for the partner switch. Dave was the first voice he heard "yeah so anyway my bro and I thought it would be a great idea to sign you into our modeling agency." Jade sighed in joy "oh yes of course Mr.Strider! Modeling would be any girls dream!" Dave chuckled and smoothly  asks "So what size bra did you say you wear again?" Jade giggled GIGGLED and said "Oh yes um. Actually my servants usually do my bra shopping for me, but I think I'm somewhere in a c cup?" Dave grinned and said "Sounds great." SOUNDS GREAT?! OKAY THIS PARTNER SWITCH BETTER BE SOON OR IM GOING TO FLIP.

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