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(I saved the picture of the DaveKat AU thing and I'm real excited to write it soon. :)))))))

-*Dave's POV*-

      I guess John wins. He wins completely and utterly. I can not believe what I'm seeing. The new cover was from that short shoot with John and I, and it was....interesting. The photo was one that even I hadn't seen. The photo had me, holding John's arms up while showing him the position that he was assigned to. His arms were curved up while I held his wrists and you could see that I was looking straight at him through a small glare in my shades. It was all in black and white which made it seem really, really...ugh what's the word. Oh! Intimate, yeah that's it. Other words it could be described as are provocative, compelling, and, yes, even pleasurable. I stared over at John who made a look that probably meant he was happy he won, but he was also completely horrified. I didn't know there was an in between in that combo until now.  It really was a pleasing sight; for me anyway

 ~.John's POV.~

      Oh my god. What's my Dad gonna think?!?!? RIIIING- Speak of the devil. RIIIING. "Hey guys I gotta take this." I strode into the hallway, trying to keep my calm. "H-hey Dad...What are you calling for?" There was no pause. "Why hello son. I was just calling about the cover of the magazine today." I went silent for a moment. "Uh. Dad I can explain that. Dave was just-" "Son I get it." What?. "You do?" This is a relief. "Yes. of course. I fully support you and I won't judge you just because you're gay. I support your relationship entirely and-" NONONONONONONONO. "DAD NO. I-I'M NOT GAY. DAVE WAS JUST HELPING ME WITH ONE OF MY POSES!" He waited before he answered. "I don't believe that crap. You can't just tell me that you're not gay. I can see a connection just in that photo. Come on John I'm your Father I know what I'm saying." NONONONONO-"NONONONO. I HAVE TO GO CHECK THE INTERNET BYE DAD." And then I hung up. I looked up the cover online and found some really disturbing stuff. There were articles written that were both bashing and supporting Dave and I's "relationship" as well as fan art and fan fictions about us. This is wrong on so many levels. I casually walked back in the room like nothing happened, though I'm sure I looked flushed. The words I heard when I walked in was what set me off.

      Dave was reading a newly made  fan fiction about us aloud to everyone in the room, which, I'll admit, was not that many people. I began blushing profusely when I heard Dave utter "And their clothes were off in seconds-" I couldn't stay quiet. "STOP." Dave looked up at me and laughed. "Awwww John it was just getting good. C'mon I'll let you read your parts if you let me finish." I squinted and said "Not in a million years." He acted out a scene like he was hurt and then stated "Fine, but I'm bookmarking this for later." My mouth dropped open.

"How can you be so chill about this?!?!" I said.

Dave shrugged "It doesn't bother me. I read fan fiction about myself all the time, but the ones with you in them seem far more interesting."

"EW SToP."

"It's funny seeing you blush over me just talking about it.  Are you sure you don't want me to finish?"

"Of COURSE I don't want you to finish!"

"You two sound like a married couple." Dirk said.

We both glared at him and he held up his hands in defense. Thank god I get to leave early. I just have to survive one more day.


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