Untitled Part 10

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(I forgot to title it so I call it Johns pouty corner)

-*Daves POV*-

      I patted Johns back and finished off my food, eager to leave the room. "How bout a celebratory shoot?" I asked. Dirk nodded his head and the businessmen left; they had no interest in being here anymore. "Actually Dave," oh no. Dirk no. "We're behind schedule in those 'certain' categories." Damn. "Well our last model for that quit so I guess we're out of luck." I awkwardly laughed. He smirked and said "We have John now. Don't we Dave?" I hate everything. John looked at me in a nervous smile. "What are we doing? Exactly?" This poor kid.


      I opened the door to the studio and began removing my clothing. I was used to this kind of stuff. The twins were having a hard time getting their clothes off. Jade got her shirt stuck on her glasses and John got angry at his jeans because the button was stuck halfway. These guys are almost the biggest dorks I've ever seen. They were both blushing awkwardly and I just laughed in the corner. It seems Jade reigned victorious and got down to her bra and underwear. She celebrated for a moment before realizing she was almost naked, then she attempted to cover her body. John gave up on his pants and just took his shirt off and pouted in the corner. "This is all probably really awkward for you both but stuff has to get done round here." I said. Jade nodded, determined. I decided to leave John in the corner and continue taking pictures with Jade in the other room. Johns awkward body is going to be hard to take pictures with.      

(Whoops short)

JohnDave richstuckWhere stories live. Discover now