Chapter 9. Good to be home.

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We finally get to board our plane. The flight was delayed 3 hours. ARE YOU KIDDING?! Now Ross is pissed only because I yelled at the employees and almost got us kicked out. Pfft. What do they know? We find our seats and sit down. He's still ignoring me. He acts as if we actually got taken out. Calm down, we're still here. The flight won't be that long. We've been in the air for about 30 minutes and Ross hasn't said anything to me.

He fell asleep but still. I get up to go to the bathroom. There's a line up. I really have to pee. I've never had to pee this bad. I guess it's a side affect of the pregnancy. The door opens. I can't wait. I push my way to the front and go in. Hey! Don't judge. I finally come out.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I couldn't wait. You'd understand if you were pregnant." I say. "I guess it's fine. Just ask us next time."

I smile and sigh. As I'm walking back to my seat, a girl glares at me. Maybe she was in the line. I get back to see Ross. Awake. And he looks more angry than before. I slowly sit down.

"What's w-wrong?" He taps his fingers on the tray.

"You want to know? First, you act like a maniac and go off on the employees, and then I hear that you pushed everyone out if line to use the washroom. One of them was a fan you know? Seriously what is your deal?"
He yells a bit which makes me upset.

"I... I don't..... I just really had to go and-" "Yeah! So did the other people. And don't you shed one tear. Not one! You don't get to just act out and think if you cry I'll feel bad. That's not how life works." My lip quivers.

"I'm so-"

"Shut up. Just stop talking." He snaps.

I put my head down and didn't say anything back. Then someone taps my shoulder. "By the way, thanks for pushing me!" She says sarcastically. "Apologize now McKenna." I look up at her.

"I'm really sorry. I just really had to go. I'm nearly 4 months and I really couldn't wait. I hope you aren't too mad and you could forgive me?"

Tears roll down my cheeks. "It's okay. I get it. My mom was worse when she was pregnant with my brother. She grabbed me by my hair and shoved me into the wall just to use the bathroom. I got a concussion." She laughs a bit as do I. "That made me feel better. Thanks and sorry again." She waves and goes back to her seat.

I smile thinking about her story. It made me feel a whole lot better. "You just had to cry? Everyone needs to feel bad for McKenna because the world apparently revolves around you." He says dramatically. "She wasn't mad. Why are you?" I ask getting upset again.

"You feel the need to make people feel sorry for you and it's annoying." Tears continuously fall from my eyes.

"I d-don't Ross. Stop making me feel worse. Yeah I know it was out of line how I acted but I have feelings and you're hurting them. You don't know what it feels like to have all of your emotions multiplied by 10. It's hard to control ok and I can't exactly hold it. Carrying a baby and trying not to pee is hard. I'm trying and I need you to be patient with me. Please? I'm sorry."

His face softens. He wipes my tears. "You shouldn't be the one to apologize. I should have understood from the beginning. I'm sorry for making you cry. I need some time to get used to this. You're already crazy on you're own and this adds to it. It makes you who you are and I love you and all your flaws." I slightly smile. "Thank you. I- We love you too." I rub my belly. He kisses my forehead and move the arms rest to lay my head on his shoulder. He holds onto my hand the rest of the flight.
"Ahh.. It's good to be home." I sigh and fall back on our bed. "It is. But were here for 2 weeks before going to Puerto Rico." He says. "Well I get sometime to relax." I close my eyes. I feel Ross's breath on my neck. "Yeah... Me too..." He kisses along my neck. "Stop.." I whisper. "You're so tense." He leaves gentle bites.

"Run me a bath with my favourite scented bath bomb please.." I beg. "Anything for my princess." He gets up and heads to the bathroom. After he sets the water, I go in the bathroom as well. I take off my clothes, leaving me just in my undergarments. I trace my fingers along my belly.

"Isn't it kind of extraordinary how I'm carrying our baby?" He kisses my shoulder. "It is yeah. I am so proud of you. Look how far you've come since we met."

He starts as we finish undressing and get in the bath. I press my back against his chest and lay my head on his shoulder.

"But really.. Before when we first met, I could barely get you to talk. Now we're engaged, we live together and we're expecting our first baby. You are doing a great job." I smile.

"It's all thanks to you. Without you, I'd probably be like, still living in my parents house with a weird job. Or maybe I'd be in college. Who knows but I couldn't ask for a better life than the one I have right now. I am proud of us." I look at him and he looks at me. "I love you princess." I smile. "I love you too my prince."

Love is everything (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ