Chapter 21. Girlfriend?

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What? He has a what now?! "You do?" I say shocked. "I'm so sorry." He says. "It's Courtney isn't it?" He nods. "Oh, well um... t-that's nice I-I guess." I stutter. "I know you're upset-" "Who said I was upset? I'm not. I'm fine." I lie. "Are you sure?" I nod. "So you like her?" He nods. "Yeah she's pretty cool I guess. You're cooler though." I smile. "You can't flirt with me." He shrugs. "I wasn't. I'm being friendly." He playfully punched my arm. "What about um... Rianna?" I ask. "She'll have us both in her life. You will not raise her alone." I nod.

"Ross we have a house together. We're going to have a family. We have a baby on the way.. I don't... Are you going to leave?" I ask panicking a bit. "See I knew you weren't ok with it." He says. "Ross.. I-" "No. You aren't happy. Just tell me. Okay. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way. Look, I want to be with you but we obviously can't. We're always in a fight, we never get along. I don't think it's healthy." He says. "But I can't.... I can't be without you. Are you going to move out? Because you're band bought a house and they've got a room for us and the baby and if we aren't together, I just... I don't know if I can live like this." He sits. He puts his face in his hands and groans. "This is my fault! I'm sorry. Okay, I'm so sorry. I am sorry that that I didn't listen, and I didn't pay attention to you, and that I always blow you off with my excuses. I have been horrible to you. I want to get married. I want us to be together. You are to one I should be with, not her. Not Courtney, or anyone else. Us. It's always been Ross and McKenna. We are meant to be together." I sigh. "How long have you been with her?" I ask. "Um... Not that long. Like, 3 weeks." I nod.

"Well do you love her?" I ask. "McKenna I-" "Just answer. Do you love her?" I ask again. "No. I like her. I love you. I'm just not so sure who I... Who I should be with." He mumbles. "Oh." I don't know what to say. "Ross you have to make a decision. If you don't choose me, obviously I'd be really sad, but I love you and I'd be... Very happy for you." I sigh. "Ross? Are you in here?" We hear. "Uh. Yeah Court I'm here." He calls. She enters. "Oh hi McKenna." I smile a bit. "You want to get food later?" She asks. "Like a um.. Date?" He stutters. "Yeah. Then we can watch the sunset later yeah?" He shrugs. "Uh, sure. I guess." She smiles and leans in to kiss him but he turns his head. "Are you okay?" He nods. "I have to go. I have a shoot but I'll text you. Okay?" He fakes a smile and she leaves.  "I hope you have fun." I say.

"Hey. Don't cry. Please don't cry." He says wiping my tears. I didn't realize I was crying. "I'm sorry. It's just we were together for so long and I'm carrying your- our baby. And you have a.. You have a umm.. A girlfriend. It's just hard to accept." He kneels down to meet my face. "I love you still. I always will." He places his lips on mine. I kiss back. "I'm sorry." I say pulling back. "Why are you sorry?" I ask. "Because I'm a bitchy, horrible person. And you can't deny it. I just missed having you with me all day. You know, cuddling, kisses and movie watching. I was jealous that you were with other people giving your attention to them and I'm sorry for over reacting and blaming it all on you. We were both to blame and I'm sorry." He smiles and sits next to me.

"You didn't have to be jealous baby. All you had to do was talk to me. I understand and I forgive you." He hugs me. "I forgive you too." I realize something. "You um, you called me baby." I whisper. "No I didn't." He denies while smirking. "Did I not say to stop flirting with me?" I say smirking back. "I wasn't. It's what I like  to call you.... Baby." I blush. "Oh. You turned red." He laughs. "I'm leaving." I proceed to walk away but he grabs me and kisses me. "Text me. Tomorrow we have the day off so we're hanging out." I smile. "Okay. But unblock me." I say. "Already did baby." He winks, giving me a gentle shove out the door. I smile my entire way back to the hotel. I walk into my room. "What's with the face?" Rydel asks. "No reason." I shrug. "You were gone all day. Where were you?" I smile wider.

"You were with Ross! You kissed him! No you made out with him! How was it?!" I sit with her. "It was... I enjoyed it. Up until he told me he had a girlfriend." I frown. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry." She hugs me. "But he keeps flirting with me, he told me he loves me after she left. I don't.. No I know it's a bad thing because he's not available but I can't help it." I say. "Oh no. You had him first and you're carrying his baby. You have dibs." I laugh. "I can't just.. He likes her and she likes him. I love him and he loves me. And um. I don't want for her to get hurt if he.. Do you get what I'm saying?" She nods. "Maybe you shouldn't hang around him." I sigh. "But he wants to hang out with me tomorrow. And I want to hang out with him." She smirks. "You dirty, dirty girl. Suit yourself." She says while heading to her bed. "I am not. We're just hanging out." I say. "Sure you are. Dirty girl." She winks crawling into bed. "Goodnight lover girl." I roll my eyes. "Whatever. Goodnight."

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