Where is Everyone?

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*Your P.O.V*

"What do you mean she wasn't human!?" Pewds asks me, confused but still terrified. "Pewds.. They're zomb-" I start to say but then a man, who was still human, runs up to us. "Oh my God please help me!" he screams at us. Cry, being the calm one, grabs his shoulder, asking, "From what? Please tell us what happened!" Then man catching his breath, says to him, "When yous were leaving the VR room, the machine.... someone cut the wires. They thought you were dead... until the door opened. We thought it was yous, but then video game characters walked out the doors. Some teenagers screamed because they saw a girl, they said she was from a game, what was it?" he pauses for a moment, before continuing, "Oh yeah... The Grudge." Pewds lets out a little yelp. My breath hitches for a moment. I remember watching Pewds playing it.. No one survives. "The guy who created it... he said you guys are the only ones who can stop the creatures, send them back into the game," the man says to us, holding his side. "Why us?" Toby asks, finally regaining his composure. "The wires are the only things separating Virtual from Reality. When they're cut, your truest fears come alive. Since you guys were in the game when it happened,your fears came alive." I'm not sure if Cry is afraid because of that dang mask. Toby and Pewds were holding each other for comfort. I try to think. What are my truest fears? I couldn't think of anything so I just dropped it. "Where is everyone? We can bring you to them." Cry says to the man. The man points in the direction of the food hall. "Everyone was evacuated. Those who didn't get out in time barricaded themselves in the food hall." We start to walk but are stopped because the man suddenly falls, wheezing and coughing into a handkerchief. I gasp when I see blood. "Are you okay!?" I ask worriedly. He lifts his head and I see his eyes have been covered in rotten flesh. He suddenly lunges at me, trying to sink his teeth into me. I scream, and once again, Cry comes over with another chair and kills him. "Seriously where are you getting this unlimited supply of chairs!?" Toby says laughing. "Well Toby, as you can see there's chairs everywhere, you dipshit!" He replies laughing. I giggle, until I remember. "Shawn!" I shout, not realising how loud I was. Everyone except Pewds looks at me weirdly. "Shawn.. he's my younger brother! I left him with David and Lucy." I bite my lip. What happens if they got hurt? What happens if they're.. Get those ideas out of your head! They've probably been evacuated! I was still nervous anyway, with or without the idea of them dead in my head. Pewds wraps his arms around my shoulders. "They've probably evacuated, (Y/n), and if they haven't, which isn't likely, we'll find them, okay?" He gives me a smile that warms me up inside and I can't help smiling back. We head for the food hall. We reach a dead body lying on the ground. Before we walk around it, Toby pokes it with a broken table leg to make sure it isn't a zombie. Luckily it isn't. I want to check who it was, even though everyone objects. "It might be someone I know! I have to know if it is!" I say. I flip over the body, flinching from the horrible smell invading my nostrils. Cry walks over to me when he sees me staring in horror. It was Mac. Kind, young Mac who helped us into the game, now dead. No no no no no NO! I take off, running towards the girl bathrooms. I need to be alone. Toby sees me running away and runs after me. I try to outrun him but he grabs my arm. "NO! LET GO OF ME! I NEED TO BE ALONE!" I scream in his face. I take advantage of his surprisement and run in the direction of the bathrooms. I hear the boys shouting at me but I don't stop until I reach the bathrooms. It's dark, but I find a torch in one of the stalls. I lock the cubicle door and slide down. I just break. "Shawn! Lucy! David!" I sob. I can't live without them. My past was too hard, with a dead father and a mother in a mental hospital. I wipe away my tears and just stay sitting. I don't want to go to the boys. I want to go home. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)!? (Y/n) please help me!"I shot up. "SHAWN!"

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