To The Barricades

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I crawl through the vent until the darkness consumes me. I fumble around with the torch, turning it on. I shine the light ahead of me. I hear Pewds following close behind me. I crawl on until the vent suddenly slopes down. I squeal, sliding down the vent. Before I can faceplant however, I feel a hand grab my ankle. "Thanks Pewds!" I shout to him. "No problem (Y/n)!" I hear him reply. I slowly slide down the rest of the slope, careful that I go down feet first. "Pewds tell everyone to be careful, the slope is unexpected!" I ask him. He replies with something inaudible. I guess he was talking to the group. I get back onto my hands and knees, Pewds still holding onto my ankle. "Uh, Pewds?" I say confused. "In case you fall again." he replies simply. I shrug, and continue on. I look up and see a light in the distance. I crawl faster. The light comes closer and closer until I'm on top of it. Yes, on top of it. It was like a hole in the vent, but it had like a grate on it. I look down. "Guys, I think we found the barricade!" I whisper to the others. I hear talking below, but I couldn't hear it properly. "...we could send out a search party for them, they are the only ones who can stop the machine..." I press my ear against the grate, trying to hear better. " you really think people will risk their lives just to save some Youtubers and some random girl when they are safe here?...." "No I guess not, but they are our only hope- The grate collapses from underneath me and I fall into the meeting room.Luckily, Pewds had my ankle so I was just hanging down. They won't notice me unless- yep, they heard the grate open. I feel more than one pair of eyes on me. "So, what do we have here!" I pair of hands grab my waist and pull me from Pewds' grasp. I yelp,as Pewds tried to pull me back at the same time they pulled me down. I fall onto the table they had, landing on my ankle. I grab it, feeling a sharp, shooting pain stabbing me like a sword. I don't think that's just a bruise, I think to myself. I feel a hand roughly grab my face, forcing me to look at my captor. "Who are you, and what were you doing in the vent?" I don't answer, and I get a slap. I fall against the table, holding my face. "Hey! Leave her alone!" I have my eyes shut, but I feel someone's presence on the table. I open my eyes to see Pewds punching the man who slapped me. I see blood starting to pour out of his nose. I hear another three thumps and then the whole gang's here. While Cry and Pewds takes on the two men, Toby rushes over to me to see to my injuries. "(Y/n)! Are you okay!? Where are you hurt!?" I remove my hand to show him the bruise that was now forming on my face. "M-My ankle's having a bad time t-too," I say, shaking. He looks at my cheek first. "It just needs a bit of ice." He goes over to my ankle, prodding it gently. I wince in pain. "(Y/n), I think you dislocated your ankle, I'm gonna have to pop it back in." he says worriedly. I nod, tears streaming down my face from the pain. Clem comes over to me. "You can squeeze my hand when he does it if you want!" she says kindly. I didn't want to say it, but I nod. She slips her hand into mine. "Okay, ready?" he says gently. I nod. "Okay," he pops it back into place and I squeeze Clem's hand tightly. I nearly scream, but I bite my lip to stop myself. "It's okay, it's okay, it's done." Toby rushes over to me, wrapping me into his arms. I hug him back tightly, sobbing. Pewds notices, so he punches the man in the face, knocking him over, and rushes over to me. "(Y/n)! Are you okay!?" he says to me, hugging me also. I nod, hugging him back. "Okay, That's ENOUGH!" One of the men yells, taking out a gun and pointing it at Cry. Clem whips out her gun and points it at the man. "You shoot, I shoot." she says. I see her hand trembling. "Lower. The. Gun." she says, her hand trembling a little less. The man slowly lowers the gun, Clem doing the same. When his gun hits the ground, so does Clem's. "Okay, can you explain what you're doing here, and we'll do the same." The other man says, holding his nose which has become a scarlet fountain. Toby takes a deep breath, but before he an speak, a young boy bursts into the room. "(Y/n)!" he shouts. "Shawn!" I cry.

No Escape From Realityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें