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If I could, I would have run away. I would be alone. I will mourn Lucy as long as I wanted. I wanted to be able to say goodbye. I wish I was there, while she was dying. To tell her, it was okay to be scared. That I would keep her safe. That, whatever is there when you die, will be there for her. That she will become a beautiful angel, with a long white flowing dress, like the ones David wouldn't let her wear unless it was a formal occasion, with white, pearly wings. That she would meet her mother at last. But I wasn't there. I couldn't tell her these things. The last thing I told her was that I'll never let her go. But I have. I lost her and I probably lost David too. He was the one howling in the tent. Pewds carried me into the tent. There was David and Shawn, and Lucy's body. Shawn was in the corner, huddled up in a ball, silent tears slipping down his face. David was gripping Lucy's hand. I see a bullet hole in her head. "What...Happened?" I whisper. I kneel against her body, taking her hand in mine. Her hand, that once had warmth, that would squeeze my hand reassuringly, was stone cold, stiff. She looks like she's just sleeping.Pewds kneels beside me, near Lucy's head. "One of the guards was bit. He said that it was just a scratch, but it wasn't. He turned and infected some of the other guards. The other guards threw flame torches at them, setting the zombies on fire, but they set the barricades on fire too," he says softly, stroking Lucy's hair. "I tried to wake you up, but you didn't. The drugs were too strong. I carried you while Cry carried Shawn. David and Lucy ran hand in hand. Toby had your crutches, knowing you'd need them, Clem was helping him." He gulps, and reluctantly continues, "Lucy got tripped by a walker. He bit into her ankle. David picked her up and carried her. She didn't want to come. She was afraid to infect us all. David tripped, and before he could stop her, she found a gun and shot herself in the head." Tears were brimming in his eyes. "He brought her body with us, wanting to bury her in those ." I crawl over to David, wrapping my arms around him. He hugs me back tightly. "You and Shawn are all that I have left. My poor Lucy.." he trails off, crying. I let go, crawling over to Shawn. He rests his head on my lap. I stroke his hair soothingly, trying to calm. "(Y/n), why Lucy? Why does this happen to us?" he says, sniffling. I keep stroking his hair, and softly reply, "I don't know Shawn, I don't know."

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