Game Over

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We stand there, the portal only about 100 metres away. I could easily run in and out of that in a minute if it wasn't for the army guarding it. I stand tall, Cry and Pewds on either side of me. I take a closer look at Barrel's army. Barrel' standing in the middle of his army, smirking. I recognise all the faces. Gonzales, Slendy, The demon from Ao Oni, The Bro, Untrusted Statues and more. All filled with hatred against Pewds. I look to my right, looking at our allies. They found their way to us. Piggeh, Mr.Chair, Jennifer, Garry, Ib, Pewdelia, Clementine, Irresponsible Dad and everyone else. They stood by us, sworn to protect. The Bro Army. I catch Stephano's attention, and he turns to me. He smiles, and mouths, "you'll be okay". I nod. Barrel's raise his hand. "Stupid PewDiePie, do you really think your small little army can defeat ours?" he says, in a calm, clear voice. I see Ib staring at someone on Barrel's side. I look closely. She had blonde hair and a green dress. She had an evil smile, as if she knew Ib wasn't prepared to see her. I think her name was Mary. A girl appears beside Pewdelia, holding her hand. She had the same uniform as her, and had straight black hair. I hear clopping in the distance, but dismiss it. It could be Clop, that unicorn from a game Pewds played a while ago. Alice swears, spotting a creature that seems to be made of black tar with a doll's head in the middle. I shudder. I hope I don't have to go near them too often. Pewds sees me shudder, and grabs my hand, giving me a reassuring squeeze. I look up at him and smile. Barrel clears his throat. "Very well, if you insist on fighting me." He raises his hand, signalling for his army to attack. They all charge, holding onto spears, daggers and weapons I've never even seen before. We charge towards them. I duck as a spear is thrown at me, and I throw a dagger at my opponent. He/She/It collapses onto the ground, a dagger protruding from it's chest where it's heart should be. I look at it. I recognise it as one of those tar-like creatures Alice hated. I run through the crowd, dodging weapons here and there. I hear a scream. I turn around to see Pewdelia being attacked by a man.I run towards her, but before I can get to her, that girl who appeared beside her earlier appears and hits him with the hilt of her knife. He falls onto the floor, and when he sees the girl, his eyes open with terror. It doesn't last though as she throws the knife into his head, hearing a horrible cracking noise as it breaks through his skull. I rush over and help Pewdelia up. I turn to the girl and ask, "Who are you?" She smiles and says, "Misao. My name is Misao." Pewdelia and Misao then go and start fighting again. I run on, seeing the portal coming closer and closer until- WHAM! A purple arm hits me on the side of my face, the strength knocking me off my feet. I lay sprawled on the floor, and I look up at my enemy. The purple demon of Ao Oni looks down at me evilly, reaching down to grab me. I try to crawl away,but his grasp is too tight and I can't move. I kick at his hand wildly, but to no avail. I close my eyes, hoping my death is quick. But it wouldn't, because the way he's looking at me tells me that he is planning to give me a slow, painful death. I close my eyes, waiting for the pain. It never comes. Suddenly the demon is knocked of his feet, crushing me. I open my eyes, gasping for air. My leg was burning. There, on Clop the unicorn, was Mia. "A little help here!" I shout. She nods. She hops down swiftly and moves the demon off me. I realise she had thrown a spear that went right through the demons body, and unfortunately cut my leg too. She takes a backpack off her back, opening it and receivin bandages. She quickly wraps it around my leg. She offers her hand and I take it gladly. She helps me up. "Where are you going?" She asks quickly, as if the commotion around us didn't exist. I point at the portal. "I need to stop the portal!" I say. She nods and hops up on Clop. She helps me up onto his back and we set off at a gallop. Luckily, Lara, Mia and I went horse-riding together in Ireland all the time so I knew how to stay on a bareback galloping horse. (A/N speaking of horses, did you know I was horse riding last Saturday and the horse I was riding called Joey threw me into a fence that surrounded the area and I strained a muscle in my arm? Now I can't lift it up on my own now but I can still type even though I'm in a sling!:D) "How did you get here?" I ask her, the wind roaring in our ears. "Well, Legolas eventually found the portal to Middle Earth and we followed him through it and we got to meet Frodo and Bilbo and Aragorn and the others and I got to fist bump Thranduil ( This was in a rp session with each other so don't worry about it)and then he got his horse and I found Clop so we rode here and found you guys!" she says happily. I nod. That's Mia for you. We galloped on until suddenly Clop collapsed, making me and Mia tumble off his back. Mia got up frantically and started examining Clop. "Clop! Are you okay?!" she says frantically, nervously running her hand through her insanely curly brown hair. Clop sighs. "I'm sorry, I went into lame mode, I can't get out of it!" I grab Mia's hand and drag her away from him. "Mia we have to go!"I say to her. She stops resisting and reluctantly lets me drag her through the crowd. We avoided knives and spears thrown at us until we got to the portal. I grab her hands in mine. "Mia, I have to go alone." I say to her seriously. She starts to protest, but I shush her. "You might die, and I wouldn't be able to live with that. And anyway, I have to fight my own fears, and I don't want you to be there to see me at the weakest." I whisper. She wraps her arms around me extremely tight. "You will do well, (Y/N)-chan," she says to me. " Mia-chan, if I don't get through this, I just want to say you were the most amazing friend I could ever have," I say, tears in my eyes. She smiles sadly at me. "Take care of Shawn for me, and when this mess gets cleared up, say hi to Id and your family for me," I smile. I let go of her hands and enter the portal.

All is white. I can't see anything except white. "Where am I?" I shout out, hoping someone will hear me. I see Pewds in the distance, two other people standing beside him. "Pewds? Cry? Is that you? Who's with you?" I shout out. I'm filled with happiness when I see Pewds. I run to him, spreading my arms out to hug him. I'm about to hug him until something bangs into my head and I fall back. I shake my head, feeling a headache coming. "Pewds?" I whisper quietly. He looks down at me in disgust. "What do you want?" he says irritably. "Pewds..?" I say, hating the tone of his voice. "It's me, (Y/n), your girlfriend..?" He laughs cruelly when I say girlfriend. "You? Girlfriend? Why would I date someone like you? A hated, lonely low-life. I don't need you." A woman walks up to him, hugging him from behind. "Marzia..?" I say softly. He turns around, a smile stretched widely across his face. "Hey babe!" he says, kissing her on the cheek. My heart breaks into two. Marzia laughs. "Felix, what are you doing with this slut here?" she purrs. Her tone makes me sick. He looks at me in disgust. "I don't know, she just ran towards me, saying I was her boyfriend. Luckily Cry slapped her before she got too near me," he says, smiling at Marzia. She looks at me with hatred. "You f*cking slut! You're just a whore and a scumbag! Get back to the streets where you belong!" she says, kicking me in the side. I feel the tears escape from my eyes. Cry appears, holding a box. "Hey guys, I heard you got engaged!" he says happily. "I got you a gift!" he hands it to them. "Cry..!" I say, choking. He hears me and turns to me with such loathing it makes me cry harder. "What is she doing here?" he spits out. The couple shrug. Cry picks me up roughly and pushes me away. "Go find someone who actually loves you," he says bluntly. I stumble away, hearing them chatting away happily. It feels as if my heart has broken into a million pieces. What about all those things he said to me? That night before the war? Were they all lies? I spot Mia, Lara and Shawn in the distance. "Shawn!" I shout out, the tears caught in my throat. They notice me, but Mia and Lara just continue on talking. Shawn storms up to me. I reach out, thinking he came to help me. He kicks me hand away. "What are you doing here?" he says, spitting out the words. I look up at him, more tears brimming in my eyes. "Shawn..? It's me, your sister (Y/n)!" I shout out. Shawn spits on the ground. "I know that dumbass. But why are you here? You're nothing but a f*cking slut who only loves herself." he starts to walk away. I drag myself after him. "Shawn! What about those times I spent with you!" I shout out. He turns to me,staring at me meanly. " What about those times you weren't there for me?! You just hung around with Cry, Pewds and Toby! You never let me in on things! You kept everything to yourself! You're nothing but a bitch who only thinks about herself," he says harshly. Every word was like a knife to the gut. He kicks me and walks away. Lara and Mia laugh at my pain. "Yeah! Who cares about you? We just hung around with you because you had no friends. We felt sorry for you. We never liked you." they shout out brutally. I lie on the floor, weeping. "See, I told you, you should have stayed with me, little test subject," a voice rings out. "Dad..?" I say in horror. He walks into my line of vision. He slaps me. "I told you, no one will ever like you.That you should have stayed with me, and just kept helping me with my experiments. But no! You ran away, just so you can be a filthy slut!" he slaps me again. I hold my face, trying to numb the pain. I cry. No one likes me. Everyone hates me...Why am I still alive? I should be dead....Everyone will be happier if I'm dead...

"(Y/n)!" I hear in the distance. It couldn't be..? Is it..? "Don't listen to them! This is not real! This is your fear!" I hear Toby's voice again. "We all like you! Pewds loves you! Can't you see!" Toby walks up, covered in bruises and cuts. Tears of happiness form in my eyes. "Toby, you're alive..?" I whisper. He nods and hugs me. " The pile of rubble missed me by an inch. Took me a while to find a way out though." He chuckles. Get up, we need to find the button," he says quickly. He helps me up, slinging my arm around his shoulder. "Get back here you dirty whore!" I hear Dad's voice say. I turn around. "No! This is my life! You can't tell me what to do! And I am loved! By all my friends!" I shout at him. He looks back at me with hatred. "You! You!-" he stops suddenly, clutching his heart. He falls back. I go over to him, looking in his eyes. They were open but not seeing. I hug Toby. "Thank you," I whisper. He kisses the top of my head in response. I notice a controller in Dad's pocket. I take it out warily. Toby's eyes open in shock. "You found it! The way out!" I smile. I reach my hand out and he grabs it happily. We press the button and it all goes black.

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