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I wake up on a hospital bed, David's hand clasped tightly around mine. David must of fell asleep while waiting for me to wake up. I slip my hand out of his. I sit up, swinging my legs off the bed. I stand up until a sharp pain makes me sit back down again. Oh yeah, I dislocated my ankle. I see a pair of crutches so I get off the bed and hop over to them. Slipping my hands into them, I found it easy to maneuver around. I see the exit, so I hobble over to the door. I hear voices inside. I lean on the door to hear better. "But she can't even walk, never mind stop a machine...." "We know, but without her it won't work!...." I don't care! She's unable to walk, and I want her to be safe!" I couldn't hear anymore as the door suddenly opens from my weight on it. I crash to the floor. "God Dammit, I always get caught.." I whisper under my breath. I feel a pair of hands lift me back up onto my feet/crutches. "(Y/n), what are you doing out of bed?" Cry says to me, sighing. "I was just looking for yous," I lie. Cry lifts me up, carrying me back to bed. He puts me down gently and tucks the blanket up to my chin. He kisses my forehead. "We need to keep you safe, for Pewds' sake," he says, stroking my hair. Before I could ask what he means, I feel a sharp poke in my arm and drift off into the hazy land of drugs.


I wake up with a pounding headache and Cry at my side. I think he was keeping an eye on me. Why does every guy I meet- *giggles*, meet (irish slang)- always act like I'm a weak coward that needs protecting!? "We got to keep her safe" blah blah blah. I kept me and Shawn alive for two years after mother went mental, and I was only seventeen in the beginning. I had to go out, get a job and drop out of school while ruining the chance of a good career! I don't need protecting! I slip out of bed silently, grabbing my crutches. I go over to the door. I yank at the doorknob, but it's fahking locked. God, everything is pissing me off today. I look at the locker beside my bed and see a glass. It will have to do. I dump the crutches on the ground, ignoring the searing pain throbbing in my ankle. I half stomp half limp over to the locker, seizing the glass, and heading over to the door. I raise the glass, and slam it into the door, breaking only the glass. Cry jumps up, startled from the noise. He looks over to me in horror. I look down to see blood literally pouring from my hands. He grabs the hospital bed sheets and rushes over to me, wrapping my hands with it, but it's soaked through in minutes. "What were you doing!? The door's glass is maxi glass, you can't break it!" he yells at me, shaking me by the shoulders. Now, if I wasn't pissed off, I would have said sorry, but since I was, I shout in his face, "Well, maybe it's because you act like I'm WEAK! You say "we need to protect her, keep her safe" when I don't NEED saving! I can go off on my own and be PERFECTLY FINE!" I scream. I fall down, feeling dizzy. "Oh, (Y/n), we don't think you're weak! You are the strongest girl we know! If I could tell you something, I would but I can't so think about this; Men like to feel a hero! If you take it from our perspective, we want to keep you safe, because we are selfish people who want to keep the things we care about! If you're safe, it feels like we've accomplished something! Don't you understand!?" he says, picking me up and placing me on the bed. He pulls out a cord that's around his neck, and I see a glint of a key connected to it. He runs over to the door, placing the key into the lock. "I'll be back, but just to warn you: when Pewds finds out what you did he will murder you." He then disappears from my sight, closing the door. I sigh and shut my eyes. What is wrong with me? I have my family back and I'm pretty much best friends with my three favourite Youtubers, so why aren't I happy? Why do I always make matters worse? I hear the door slam open. I keep my eyes closed, knowing who it is. "Why did you do that (Y/n)!? You could of got hurt!" Pewds notices my hands and gasps. "(Y/n)!?" He shakes me. I open my eyes to see a face stricken with terror looking back at me. I see a doctor come into the room and see a flash of a needle. I look into Pewds' eyes, tears brimming. I feel a cold liquid enter my veins and I know I'm almost gone.



(Y/N) WAKE THE FAHK UP WE NEED TO GO! PLEASE! My eyes open, still half-asleep, to see a blazing fire and people running around screaming. I hear screams and the sounds of guns firing, and a smell of burning invades my nostrils. I close my eyes again. "It's probably just a nightmare," I think to myself. Sure, when you were in hospital before all this those drugs they gave you gave you the worst of all nightmares. I feel arms wrap around me, lifting me from the bed. I close my eyes, feeling the warmth of the person carrying me.


(Y/n)? Please wake up! I open my eyes and see that we were in a unfamiliar place. I see Pewds and Toby smiling down at me, happy that I'm awake.I hear coughing and sobbing coming from a tent near by. I give them a confused smile. "Guys, where are we? Where's David, Shawn and Lucy?" Pewds' smile suddenly drops, and I see a tear slide down Toby's cheek. I sit up. "Is Shawn okay!?" I nearly shout at them. Toby stands up. "I can't be here when we tell her." he walks over to the tent where I heard the sobbing and coughing. "Pewds?" I say softly, terrified of what he has to say. "What is it!?" I say to him. He gulps. "Shawn's okay, he's fine, but......Lucy's not okay." he says, tears sliding down his face. I'm speechless. "Lucy?..." I say, as if I can change the truth. Pewds shakes his head. "(Y/n)..... Lucy's dead."

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