Something's Wrong

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After the session, I'm packing up my bag when a hand appears holding my bottle of water. "Thanks Cry," I say, taking a swig from the bottle before putting it away. I stand up. I look over to Cry. He offers his hand to me, which I gladly take. We walk hand in hand to my clearing. "Hey do you wanna help me show the guys some hand to hand combat?" I ask him, making a puppy face. He smiles. "Sure," he says, "It'd be a good idea too because I'm sure those fangirls are out for blood." We burst out laughing. I see Shawn jogging over to us. "Hey (Y/n), Cry." he says, nodding to each of us. I heard you owned some fangirls a while ago," he says, smiling. I nod, laughing. Shawn bursts out laughing. "What did you do?" he says. "Well," I start, "One came over to me and said that Cry belonged to the Official Cryaotic Fan Club members and said I was disrespectful calling him Cry," I say laughing, "Then Cry made me sit beside him so I won't fight with them," I pull a sad face. Cry laughs, "I was doing it for safety." I look at him. "I don't need safety, if they went near me I would snap their heads of their necks!" I say indignantly. Cry laughs. "I know, that's why I did it!" he says, chuckling at my reaction. I shrug it off. I lead him up to where I always stand and look at my "students".

I smile. "Okay guys, today we are going to practicing combat against each other with everything we practiced. You will need to be in pairs." While they pair up, I gesture to Cry to come closer. "This is my friend Cry," I say, "and we are going to give an example of what to do." I give Cry a sly smile. "Don't go easy on me." He laughs. "Are you sure?" I laugh at him. "Come at me Brah," I say. He throws a punch at me which I easily dodge and kick him in the side. He clutches his side. I use this opportunity to kick him in the stomach. He tries to punch me feebly, but I grab his fist and flip him over my head. I wipe my hands. Someone's hand raises. "Will he be okay?" she asks timidly. I smile. "Yeah, he might just have a bruise." He gets up and tries to sneak a punch at my stomach but I grab him before he can do so and put him in a headlock. "Okay, you win." Cry says playfully. I let him go. He rubs his neck. "Wow, when you said not to go easy, you really meant it." I ignore the comment and face my class.Their mouths were agape. I smile. "Just use techniques we learnt okay? Try not to hurt each other too much." With that, they all started to fight. I laugh. "Well, they're enthusiastic!" Cry comments, watching the scene. I nod in agreement. I watch Shawn fighting. He's quite strong for his age. The lad he was fighting suddenly punches him in the nose, causing a scarlet fountain to pour out of Shawn's nose. He falls and the boy kicks him. "Hey!" I shout, running to Shawn. "Shawn! Are you okay!?" I say, looking at his nose. It was badly swollen and definitely broken. He looks up at me. "I'm fine, stop making a fuss," he grumbles. I was gob-smacked. Since when did Shawn push me away!? I hrug. I let him get up. I face the boy. I frown. "You need to be more careful! I told you no punching in the face! These people will be your teammates in the war, you don't want them to be injured do you!?" I shout. He shrugs and walks away, grumbling. I raise my hand to get everyone's attention. "Class dismissed!" I say. Some give a cheer and everyone walks away. We rush Shawn to the Infirmary. Cry gets bandages and looks at Shawn's nose. Pewds walks in, hearing the commotion. "What happened?" he asks, staring at the river of blood coming from Shawn's nose. "Broken, but shouldn't take too long to heal, probably going to be bruised for a while." Cry comments, wrapping up Shawn's face. I nod. What kind of sister am I!? I was watching that fight and I didn't even keep an eye on him properly! Tears form in my eyes and I leave the room silently. Cry notices and comes after me. "(Y/n) what's wrong?" he says gently. I sniffle. "What kind of sister am I!? I wasn't keeping an eye on Shawn and if I did-" "You'd just have ended up watching that boy punch him. It's not your fault (Y/n). You need to stop being over-responsible with Shawn, you'll worry yourself sick." Cry says, hugging me. I hug him back tightly. I look up. "Am I really not that bad of a sister?" I say hopefully. Cry smiles. "You're like the little sister I never had. You are the most amazing sister in the world," Cry says smiling. I smile back. "Thanks Cry," I say, wiping the tear stains off my cheeks. Cry smiles warmly. "No Problem," he says. I frown. "The thing that's annoying me though, Shawn's changed," I say. Cry looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" he asks. I shrug. "Maybe it's nothing. But he's been slightly distant to me, as if it's not him at all. I'm worried," I say fearfully. Cry thinks for a moment, then nods. "Maybe being stuck here made him grow up too fast?" he says. I nod. Maybe that's it. I don't know. But I don't like it. I have a feeling that it's not Shawn. I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts. Cry offers his hand. "Let's go back," he says. I take his hand gladly, feeling the comforting warmth from his hand. He leads us into the Infirmary. Pewds frowns when he sees us holding hands. I take my hand back quickly. Does he think we're dating? No! I hope not, Cry's like a brother to me. And I like Pewds. ALOT. I smile at him. "Are you okay Pewds?" I smile. He smiles back, making me grin wider. "I'm fine," he says. I hug him, and he gasps in surprise, but hugs me back, blushing. In the corner of my eye I see Cry smiling.

*Cry (Short) P.O.V*
(Y/n) and Pewds are actually the cutest couple ever. When will Pewds man up and ask her out? I don't know. But I swear, they're my OTP. Seriously.

*Back to your P.O.V*

I separate from Pewds, smiling. He smiles down at me, considering he's waaaaay taller than me. The moment lasts for a minute until Stephano bursts into the room, a grimace on his golden features. "You better come," he says grimly.

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