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After our encounter with Mia, Lara and Legolas, we wish them luck and go forth on our journey. (Add official sounding trumpets for effect.) We find a "You Are Here" map and notice the café me and Pewds met at is close so we all decide to check there for supplies. I skip along, cheered up that I got to see my friends. Pewds smiles softly, happy that I'm happy. When we reach the café, we see that the café has been deducted from it's former glory. I smile sadly and rub off the layer of dust that covered the chalkboard that was outside of the café. We decide that since Pewds is the smallest, he should squeeze through the small gap that was once a doorway. He steps over the door and through the crack that was cut through it with an axe.. I shudder. Hopefully whatever that had the axe is gone now. Pewds gives us the sign that the coast is clear and we make our way towards Pewds. I climb through the doorway, then Cry. But when Toby crawls through, he accidentally hits his arm off something which makes the door shudder before collapsing behind him. "Looks like we won't be going through there anymore. By the looks of it that pile of rubble is gonna take a while to get through," Cry says, sighing. We check for food, but only find a bag of crisps (chips). Me and Cry share it, as Pewds wanted me to have it and Toby wanted Cry to share it with me.Suddenly, we hear a crying/wailing noise coming from the directions of the staff room. I look at it worryingly, thinking it might be a trap. Toby doesn't realise that it could be and runs in the direction of the crying sound. We exchange nervous glances and follow Toby. When we go through the door that once said "Staff Room" we see Toby approaching a small, crying woman huddled against the wall. Her white hair covers her face so we couldn't see her properly. She wore what looked like Miley Cyrus's outfit in Wrecking Ball, but it was ripped to shreds. I vomit in my mouth a little at the memory of Miley twerking. I hear Toby speaking gently to the lady, as not to frighten her. "It's okay, we are here to help. Are you hurt? What happened?" She continued moaning, as if in terrible pain. Toby steps on the edge of a spoon and it clatters across the floor. The lady instantly stopped moaning, and started growling instead. That's when my memory reminds me of who it is. My mouth forms the words "Run!" but before I can say them the lady reveals her long, razor-sharp claws and runs straight for Toby. He shrieks and bolts out of the room. "Shit! It's a witch! From Left For Dead!" Pewds and Cry say simultaneously, as the Witch ignores our presence and follows Toby. I run after them, hoping to get to him in time. As I run into the main area, I spin around frantically until I spot the two, the Witch leaning over a cowering Toby. He shuts his eyes as the Witch lifts her hands to strike Toby with a fatal blow to the head with her menacing talons. I shout "NO!" and start to run to them, but someone gets there before me. She pulls out a gun and shoots the Witch cleanly in the head, which was surprising because A) She was at least a foot smaller than the Witch and B) How she had that good accuracy was impossible. She turns around and I see that it wasn't a woman, but a tall little girl. She looks at me and smiles. I couldn't help but smile back, she was so cute. She puts her gun away and makes her way over to me. "Hello," I say to her timidly, kind of scared because of her accuracy with a gun. "Hello!" she says to me, big brown eyes staring up at me. "I'm Clementine."

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