Can't Think

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I fight against my body to eat the soup. My stomach is having a fierce battle with my brain. Toby looks over to me. "Well, if you're not going to eat it, canI?" he asks. I think. I might be able to resist better if it's gone. I hand him the plate. "Bon Appétit!" I say, putting on a french accent. He laughs. "Je le ferai, Madame," he says. (A/N I used Google Translate so if that didn't mean "I will Madam" please tell me) I smile. "I didn't know you could speak french!" I say to him. He shrugs. "I did a little bit when I was in school," he says. "Cool! I did German,"I say. He looks at me in surprise. "Really?" I nod. "In Ireland, when you start first year, or 7th grade, we have a choice: To learn German or French. I did German. I only knew a little bit of French because my friends did it plus I did it in 5th class/grade," I say. "Say some?" he says with a pleading look in his eyes. "Okay but I'm a bit rusty," I say. I think of a few phrases. (Okay FYI in German a ß is pronounced as ss and V's as F and W as V and J as Y and etc.) "Wie heißt du? Ich heiße (Y/n). Ich bin vierundzwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Irland, aber ich wohne in New York, in Amerika. Mein bruder ist Shawn. Er ist zwölf Jahre alt. Meine mutter und mein Vater (can't remember) ist in Irland." I take a breath.Toby starts clapping. I blush. "What? It's just a bit of German," I say. "Well, I have no idea what the fahk you just said but it sounded cool so yeah!" he says, slowly stopping his clapping. I hear footsteps and my smile vanishes. I zip my mouth shut. Toby notices and stops speaking. Nick walks into the room. "Good day," he says. "Not really," I say, huffing. He ignores me and walks over to Toby. "Is she always difficult?" Toby laughs and says, "You won't get a word out of her." Nick sighs. "Well, I'm certain I can....change that." he says, looking over to me. I avoid eye contact and stare into the ground. Nick coughs. "Look, we just need help...finding these people. Once you help us then we'll never bother you again." I raise my eyebrow. I don't trust a man who can keep a white suit clean without a smudge of blood or dirt. He leaves the room. I hear the door lock and know it's time to escape. I start wiggling my arm until it's loose enough so I can reach my secret pocket in my jeans. I take out my swiss army knife that I found on one of our trips and slide out the knife. Toby notices but keeps his mouth shut. "What are you going to do?" he whispers. "Find out what they actually want to do to us," I whisper back, determinedly sawing the knife back and forth on the rope. I finally hear a snap and my arms are free. I get to work on the ropes tying my feet together until I'm completely free. I put back the knife and search through my pockets. "What are you looking for?" Toby asks me. I don't answer, too busy looking through my pockets. I finally get what I'm looking for. "A paperclip?" Toby says questioningly. I don't answer. Instead, I bend the paper clip the right way and stick it into the lock. I jiggle it around until I hear the satisfying sound of the door unlocking. I stick my head out the doorway. The coast was clear. I take my swiss army knife and put it into Toby's hand. "If I'm not back in fifteen minutes don't help me, just run and find help." I say carefully. He nods. I leave the room. When I close the door, I see the figure of a man. I gasp. I hear a little snore and the figure rolls slightly. I sigh in relief. Whoever was on guard duty fell asleep. I sneak my way through the corridors. I hear murmurs coming from a door ahead, so I advance towards it. I lean against the door. "...How will we be able to get them to tell us?.....Well, we could try being nice, but if that doesn't work we could try torturing one of them until the other breaks..." I remember. They think Toby and I are a couple. I giggle. "...Well, as soon as we get them, then our King can kill them off and save us.." Wait WHAT!? KING!? "...King Barrels can then succeed with his plan to dominate over the idiotic PewDiePie, the army destroying anyone who doesn't side with us, and then we will be safe, and not missing from existence.." From this I put two and two together. Barrel has somehow gotten an army and is planning to destroy Pewds and the rest of us because...we are the only ones who can destroy the machine! And the Left For Dead Crew must have been told that if we destroy the machine they'll be destroyed too..hmm.... I lean a bit closer to the door before a hand snakes around my mouth. I start to scream, but then a sweet smell hits my nostrils. I start to feel sleepy until I realise..Chloroform! In my blurry eyes I could just see a door open and light spilling out, and angry voices. "..How long was she there listening!?..." "...I don't know, I found her there.." I black out before I could scream for Toby.

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