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We run out hurriedly, Stephano leading the way. We see a crowd ahead. I push my way through, shoving everyone out of my way. I reach the clearing, Pewds, Cry and Stephano following closely behind. My jaw drops in horror. There, lying on the ground, was Jamie.He had cuts and bruises all over his body, his arms twisted back. One of his legs were gone entirely. A hole was on his chest where his heart should be. There was a blood-soaked note pinned to his face. When I take it off, his face was swollen, his eyes closed. I place my head on his chest, hearing a frightening silence. I take a deep breath. "Hes.....dead." I say, averting my eyes from anyone's gaze. I hear gasps and.. accusations? A pair of strong arms wrap around me and I look up to see Pewds resting his chin on my head. "Who would do this?" I whisper. Cry takes the note. "Be prepared. We will meet you at the main hall, where the Game Portal is. Bring your army. And idiotic PewDiePie, prepare to be defeated and lose everything you love. Signed, Barrel," Cry reads. He flips over the note to see a photograph of Jamie impaled on a spear. I start to whimper. Pewds strokes my hair soothingly. "Shh, (Y/n), it's going to be okay," he whispers. Stephano straightens his posture. "You three, come with me." He walks away, Cry, Me and Pewds following. For the whole journey Pewds never leaves my side. Stephano reaches a room and hushes us in, looking for anyone watching us. When the coast is clear, he shuts and locks the door tightly. He faces us. "There is no time to waste," he says in his French accent, "We need a plan." He walks over to a chest I didn't notice before and opens it. He takes out a map of some sort. He spreads it out on the table. It was a map of the entire main hall. "Where did you..?" I say, staring in awe. "I made it," Stephano replies simply. He take out markers. "This is where the game is, or the 'Game Portal'," he says, drawing a circle around it. "One of you," he continues, "has to go into the machine and reconnect the wires." Before Pewds can interrupt, Stephano says, "But there's a catch. They say anyone who enters will be faced with their biggest fear. We've sent out people in the past, and any of the ones who went inside, haven't come back." We all nod. "It will be extremely dangerous, but one of you will do it." Before anyone can say anything, my hand shots up. Pewds protests, but I shut him up. "No Pewds, it's my choice." I say quietly. He storms out of the room. Cry goes to follow him, but I stop him. "I'll go." I whisper quietly. He nods. I leave the room. Pewds was huddled up against the wall, hands around his knees. I sit down beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. Pewds sighs. "I'm sorry for how I was acting in there, (Y/n)," he says gently. "It's okay Pewds," I start, but he shushes me. "No it isn't. If I let you do it, you could die and I'd lose one of the only things I care about." I stare at him confused. "What do you..?" I say, trying to process what he said in my mind. He sighs. "I....I love you (Y/n)," he says, avoiding my eyes. I sit there, not knowing how to react. He..loves me? "If you don't like me it's okay, you probably like Cry," he starts, but I hush him. I look into his eyes. His beautiful, sky blue eyes. "I love you Felix," I whisper. Before he can react, I press my lips lightly onto his. I slip my hands around his neck while he moves his onto my waist. He starts to kiss me back. I smile into the kiss. I pull back. He looks at me in awe. "You do?" he says quietly. I nod and pull him into a hug. He hugs me back. We sit there for a moment, until he speaks up. "(Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?" I look into his loving eyes and smile. "Yes."


We go back in, hand in hand. Cry raises his eyebrow at me, as if asking, "Are you together?" I nod, smiling. He smiles back at me. We sit back down. Stephano clears his throat. "Okay. We are going to need an army here, here and here," he says pointing out different places. "You," he points at Cry, "will be in charge of this section, as well as any treatable injuries." Cry nods in understanding. "Pewds will be in charge of this group here," he says, pointing at another group. "I will be making sure (Y/n) gets to the machine safely." He announces. He faces me, taking my hands. "I will not be able to go in with you, (Y/n), but I will go as far as I can with you." I nod. He leads us into a side room. He pulls on a light cord and I wait for my eyes to adjust to the light. When it does, all I could see was armour, all different shapes and sizes. It takes my breath away. He points to a row of armour. "Pewds, Cry, pick whichever one you like."Cry and Pewds wander in, looking at them all. Stephano leads me to a different row. "Your choice, mademoiselle," he says bowing. He walks away to leave me in peace to get changed.I wander around, touching the cool metal of the armour. I pick one that reminds me of my favourite movie. I slip on the . It fitted me perfectly, as if it was made for me. I look at the different weapons associated to the armours and see one. I pick it up carefully, making sure I don't touch the sharp edges of the It isn't very heavy, so I slip it onto my back. I walk back to the lads. and were just finished trying on the armour. I pick up Pewds' helmet and slip it on him. "There, now you look perfect, my knight in shining armour," I smile. He takes it off. "I think I prefer it without the helmet, it makes it easier to kiss you," he says, leaning down and pressing his lips on mine. I kiss him back for a moment and pull away. I turn around, facing Cry. "Lookin' good Cry!" I say, giving him a high five. He winks at me. I laugh. Stephano walks in. He claps his hands. "Good, you found some armour. You will need to start to train as harder than you ever had before."

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