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Shawn stands up. He takes my hand and leads me out of the tent and into another. "This is our tent," he says simply. He lies down on the sleeping bag. I crawl over to him and lay his head on my lap. "Can you sing me a song to help me sleep?" he says, looking up at me. I smile, rememberng one of Shawn's favourite lullaby's when he was younger. I open my mouth and start to sing.

(A/N This song is Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift)

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go,

When all those shadows almost killed your light.

I remember you said don't leave me here alone,

But all that's dead and gone has passed tonight.

Just close your eyes,

The sun is going down.

You'll be alright,

No one can hurt you now.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound.

I wipe a stray tear from his face and continue to sing.

Don't you dare look out your window,

Darling everything's on fire.

The war outside our door keeps raging on.

Hold on to this lullaby,

Even when the music's gone.


He falls asleep on my lap, but I finish the song anyway, ending in a tiny whisper.

Just close your eyes,

The sun is going down.

You'll be alright,

No one can hurt you now.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound.

Just close your eyes....

You'll be alright....

Come morning light,

you and I'll be safe and sound.

I slowly stop stroking his hair and lay him down on the pillow. He looks so much happier than he is. I sigh. I lie down beside him. He cuddles into me, still sleeping. I cuddle him back, falling asleep in each others arms.

*Pewds P.O.V*

I go to (Y/n)'s tent to tell her about Lucy's funeral arrangements. David wants to bury her tomorrow. I approach the tent. I'm about to open the tent flap until I hear singing coming from the tent. I stand, listening. It sounds like she's singing a lullaby. I take a peek through the tent flaps. I see her, looking sad, with Shawn in her lap. She's stroking his hair, singing softly. She had the voice of an angel. When she finishes, she lies down to go to sleep. I stand there awkwardly until I have an idea. I run towards David's tent, knowing he'd still be awake, holding Lucy's hand.

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