Chapter 8

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Josh's POV

When we get downstairs for dinner I am really happy because I am pretty sure that she likes me! I am going to ask her out tomorrow, maybe I can ask her if I can come over after school and we can maybe go to the beach I saw behind her house.

I then see what we are going to eat! Some balls in tomato sauce and rice! I really like it here, and her father is so nice to let me stay over.

After we said hi again we sat down at the table and started eating.

When we finished eating we went upstairs and I saw that it was 9:00 so I asked her what time she usually goes I sleep.

She replies "I normally go to sleep at either 10:00 or 11:00, you?"

I don't believe it, I usually go to sleep at 10:30 or 11:00! After I tell her this she looks really relaxed. She probably thought that I went to sleep really late at night or even early in the morning.

Riley's POV

After we went upstairs we talked a little about school. At around 11:00 we went to sleep and I told him he could borrow a pair of my dads PJ (night clothing). Then he goes to the guest room and we both go to sleep after we wish each other a good night.

When I wake up I remember what happened yesterday and look out of my window and see it lightly raining. I go downstairs and see Josh sitting there on the couch in his own clothes. I see it is 8:00 and realize we should be going to school! It's Tuesday!

"Shouldn't we be going to school? We're going to be late!" I said while quickly turning around. "Wait! Your dad told me when he left that w didn't have to go to school and he also turned off your alarm clock. Your father already left for work." He said stopping me from going upstairs.

"Okay, but why don't we have to go to school?" I asked him. He answered, "We don't have to because some of the school got ruined because of the storm yesterday. So we don't have to go to school for the rest of the week!" "So we don't have to go to school for the rest of the week? Yes! Then I won't see Amy for the rest of the week, that is good for me!" I say.

He laughs and replies, "Maybe we can go to the beach later begin your house? I can go to my house and get my stuff? Then come back just before lunch and we can have lunch together first?"

Is he asking me on a date?

Josh's POV

After I finally said this I see Riley looking a little puzzled. "Are you asking me out?" She says after a while looking a little uncomfortable and happy. I looked at her, smiled and said, "yes, I am, do you want to go on a date with me? Go to lunch today? And afterwards go to the beach at your house, here? We'll meet at Juice Bar at around 11:00 it's 8:15 now?"

I was pretty sure she was going to say no and tell me to go out of her house. Instead she said, "Yes, uh... we can do that. I just have to get ready for our uh... date." I think it's so cute when she stutters! Maybe I could tell her that later. Then I told her I will meet her at the Juice Bar and that I would be there earlier to get a table. Also, that I would go now and let her get ready!

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