Chapter 16

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Josh's POV

I was waiting in the street for Amy when the stone began glowing red. I quickly took it off my neck and started staring at it strangely. When Amy came she looked straight at the necklace and asked me where I got it nervously and I said quietly, "I found it while I was walking this way, I wanted to keep it. I have to go now though, bye!" I then started running away as fast as I could back to the beach while putting on the necklace. I dove in and swam straight to where I had left the jelly bubble wen my tail appeared.

I took the jelly bubble and thought of where I wanted to go, it took me to the city and I arrived there and pulled the heart apart which destroys it. I then went to the hospital bed where Riley was and probably her mother too, I came there really tired from all the swimming. I could see that Riley wasn't awake yet. That made me sad, I should have looked out better for her.

When her mom saw me she came to me and asked directly about Amy. I told her that Amy was definitely a siren. She recognized this necklace and I told her I found it somewhere on the streets.

Okay, so it could have been the jealous siren? Or it could have been just a random niece of coral. I bet it was the siren Amy because she always disliked Riley and sirens usually hate mermaids! They should also hate merman, but I guess the girls just wants a hot guy. To her I guess am a hot guy so she wants to date me, but then I started dating Riley whom I love, uh... did I just think that? Yes, I am in love with Riley!

I then randomly asked Riley's mother, "At which age do merman and mermaid actually marry?" She then looked at me and said, "Mermaids and merman don't really marry, there is something that happens when they kiss, either they find normal and that means they aren't soul mates and if they are soul mates then something amazing happens. There are bubbles that form around you and go up. Did this maybe happen when you kissed Riley for the first time?" I said that it did and she looked so happy and also told me that she's happy that it is me and that she really thinks that I'll be great for Riley.

Riley's POV

I woke up to my mother and Josh talking about marriage for merman and mermaids and I also heard my mother talking to him about the bubbles like the thing that happened with Josh and I when we had our first kiss! This meant that we were going to be together for ever! I love him. I hope he loves me too. Morgen I coughs and they turned my way, Josh looked so happy that I was awake! I wasn't sure where I was, but they told me I was in the castle and that I was out of it for about two days. I got worried and asked them what had happened so Josh told me about the piece of coral and about Amy and possibly her two friends.
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