Chapter 15

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Riley's POV

After some time, I think it was already 6 PM, we said we had to go now because we had to get back to land, so our dads wouldn't get worried. She looked a little sad.

We went and said goodbye to her and also to my mom and grandfather.

We have to swim about an hour every time we come and go to get where we want to go. We don't really care though, because we swim this hour together alone! I have to make the heart again and think of my dad so we can follow the jelly bubble and go there.

Out of nowhere this big piece of coral comes and hits me on the head. Then all I see is black.

Josh's POV

I have to get her back to the city and to her mother and grandfather! She has to get some sort of help!

I carry her in my arms and bring her back. When I get back her mother comes swimming very fast our way and guides us to the doctor.

The doctor said that she might be unconscious for some time, I was so worried that I didn't sleep until 1 in the morning! I then slept until 10 in the morning and then I asked her mom what we should tell our dads and the other people. I mean we will be gone for quite some time, so we have to give them a reason.

She says that we can say that she hurt herself and that I decided to take care of her and bring her to a doctor and forgot to call our parents. I guess that might work.

We waited a little longer and then asked someone to get some food for us. We are something and kept waiting. The doctor came in again and told us about her injury.

He said that this could have been on purpose and probably was because it hit the most weak spot of her head. Which means that someone doesn't like her as that she's alive.

"I have a question do sirens, bad mermen and mermaids really exist?" I asked. "Yes they do exist, why?" Riley's mother said. "I think I might know who did this. Amy, she is meanest person in school who also has a crush on me. Although, I really don't like her. She's also really mean to Riley. She's afraid of water getting spilled on her. Could she be a siren? Is there any way to test if she is?" I replied and asked. She then said, "Of course she could be, a way to test this is to use this necklace. It lights up red when there is a siren nearby, it only glows brighter when you get closer. You have to do it though when no one is close to you because when the stone is really bright it might attract some attention."

I said thank you and asked her to make the jelly thing to brig me back, and because I have a waterproof phone like Riley, I text Amy to meet me in a street where I know no person would come only if they were asked.

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