Chapter 12

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Josh's POV

We went inside and swam forward, bowed and said, "Your Grace." After that we saw the king looking our way and looking a little strangely.

I had a weird feeling. I think Riley also feels weird, there is just something weird about meeting a king you only knew existed a few minutes ago.

Then the king said, "Hello, and who may you two be?" I then said, "I am Josh and this is Riley." "What are you doing here and what is your story?" The king spoke to us.

I then said, "We are here because we discovered this underwater city for the first time, I became a merman just a year ago you see and I thought that I was just the odd one out. We also both think it had something to do with our mothers because well they mysteriously disappeared when we were young. Also, I am 16 at the moment."

Then Riley said, "I am 16 years old. I also figured out I was a mermaid, but that was last Tuesday I think and it was just that I was in the sea while I was on a date with a boy. When I went swimming in the sea and I transformed for the first time..." She couldn't continue because the king interrupted and worriedly asked, "Oh no, did they see you and your mermaid tail? That's not good, uh oh!"

I wanted to tell him that the guy she was on a date with was me, but Riley was first and said, "Your majesty, yes that guy did see my tail, but you don't have to worry." The king said, "Bot worry, why shouldn't I worry?" "Because the boy I was on a date with was Josh and as you can see he is a merman. He jumped in after me and swam until he reached me and helped me with everything I knew."

The king's POV

After she had said that I wasn't worried anymore because he too knew about the secret because he was a merman and I could see that they really liked each other! I then questioningly asked, "How did you get here though?"

The girls, Riley, then replied, well I did this and we just followed this. She did this while making a heart with her fingers and then this jelly bubble appeared inside and she let go.

I was shocked, that she was able to do that meant she was royal blood! How was this going to work? How is this possible? So I called one of the soldiers and told them to go and get my daughter.

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